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Upsetting people I care about..



"There is too much to escape from.
But nowhere to escape to."

~ I want to live again. Not in this half-life. I want to be really alive. I want to feel my heart pumping in my chest again. I want to feel my blood moving through me - Hot, and salt, and real. It's weird, you don't think you can feel it, the blood, but believe me, when it stops flowing, you'll know. ~

Corsara del Cuore

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

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2 Creaties van Rivendell

Gastenboek (165)

  • Barnabas

    Omygod. It's your birthday?!

    1 decennium geleden
  • l_l3

    Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    Alright, then. It's just that I feel bad for not writing when I really wanted to :c
    I'm not even outside! I'm just sitting inside, in the living room. The coolest room in the house - though it's still 27 degrees. It's crazy!
    Oh. Well, fuck. My nose already large enough as it is - too large, even. Shit. My ears, too. I have kind of Dumbo-ears, you know? When your ears are like away from your head? I dunno how to explain that in English. I hope you get it, because my brain's in English right now and switching too Dutch wouldn't work, haha. Hm, it makes sense, I guess. Having a somewhat younger face must suck. People always look at your face first and then they'll think you're young, which you aren't, and that sucks... Having 'young hands', though, I'd love that. My hands are all wrinkly and look old, which really sucks. I dunno why they're like that, but they've always been that way...
    Oh, okay. That sounds like a great job! c: I'm glad your colleagues are your friends as well c:
    Yes, we will. And you will fight and you will do this. I believe in you, dear.
    Aw, how'd it go? It was hard enough for me to cycle home from school, but those twenty-five minutes are nothing compared to p.e. :c I hope you didn't melt or something. Ice cream is perfect with this weather. I had another ice cream today. Water ice cream, you know? I dunno if the English really have a word for that, haha. One of those pear ones c: It was a nice refreshment in my free period c:
    Oh, yea. How are those going? I wish you a lot of fun tomorrow, even though you've got school. I hope you will be able to enjoy your day, despite everthing you've been through. I will send you a happy birthday message tomorrow, but I don't think you'll be on, so I'm wishing you a good day beforehand.
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    I'm sorry for not being on the last couple of days, but because of this lovely weather it's so hot inside my laptop gets overheated really quickly. And when I say really quickly, I mean like really really quickly. I've barely had it on for fifteen minutes and it's already overheated... It's really annoying, 'cause now I can't really write either :c
    I've stopped growing at least a year ago. And my body's shaped as well, haha. I just think I'm a bit too fat. Though Bas, a friend of mine, did compliment me today. He said I had nice legs. That was quite nice to hear c: Oh wow, I didn't even know that was possible. Not growing anymore because of stress and stuff, I mean. How tall are you, anyway?
    Oh, okay. I'm always home. When I'm not at school, of course. What kind of work do you do?
    I think that's great. You will fight and eventually you will win. It might take a few months, or even a year, or it might even take more - though I sincerely hope that's not the case - but you will get better.
    Jennie came to Zaandam today c: It was het grandpa's birthday, so she came to her dad's for that and before she came to our school c: Jacco, Claudia and Bas had an hour less school today than I did, though. I had p.e. In this weather. I almost died. Anyway, we got off early, because our ginger teacher couldn't stand the sun anymore either, so then we went for ice cream. It was really nice c:
    I already have quite a tan now. I like it c: I hope you're enjoying the sun as well, though it might be a bit too hot at times. I'm getting a bit light-headed or something as well. But it's not too bad c:
    I love you.
    p.s. I had to put my laptop away twice while writing this message, because it got overheated *le sigh*

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    I know, but mine really is. I'm not kidding. I can't get into my favourite jeans anymore, while I could still wear those a year ago :c Oh, that's a bit stupid. Aw, that sucks :c Nobody ever thought I was younger than I am. Some people do think I'm older than I actually am, though, so I don't know what that's like :c No, I don't think I have. I should, though, shouldn't I? c:
    I'm sure you won't. I'm glad I made you feel better c:
    Yay, that's great! I'm getting an Android as well c: I am getting Internet, because that way I can Whatsapp Jennie all day when I'm at school, haha c: Yea, it is. If you're like me, you're at home the greater part of the day anyway.
    I'm going to bed in a bit, so I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm coming on after dinner, because I'm going to do my homework first and then watch the new Game of Thrones episode and then the new The Borgias episode, which takes about two hours, homework not included c: Sleep well, dear.
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden

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