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Upsetting people I care about..



"There is too much to escape from.
But nowhere to escape to."

~ I want to live again. Not in this half-life. I want to be really alive. I want to feel my heart pumping in my chest again. I want to feel my blood moving through me - Hot, and salt, and real. It's weird, you don't think you can feel it, the blood, but believe me, when it stops flowing, you'll know. ~

Corsara del Cuore

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

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2 Creaties van Rivendell

Gastenboek (165)

  • Joffrey

    I don't believe that. People may judge others, but they judge themselves the most. I'm sure you're pretty, Mara. I'm kind of fat as well. Okay, to be 100% honest, I'm not really fat. It's just that my butt is too fat and I want to lose weight. Otherwise I'd feel way too awkward in my bikini this summer...
    If you're so afraid of it, you won't become like them. You'll be too aware of it, I think. No, in the end he changed his mind, he was just too cowardly to really do something about it. Like Regulus changed his mind before him - though Reg did do something about it :3 The two youngest Death Eaters ever :3
    Yea, it looks great c: Oh, that's nice c: I know! I can't install it on my iPod either. It's just for iPhone - and Blackberry, Android etc. I think if you jailbreak it, you can install Whatsapp c:
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    I want to meet you, too. I don't care about your looks either, even though I know you're pretty c: Hm, when did you see a picture of me? Because I think that's a while ago, and I haven't gotten prettier...
    I know, I will c: Yea, me too. My 'friends' drive me crazy sometimes, it would be a nice change.
    You aren't like them. You're doing what you want to do, which makes it 100% you, not them. Draco tried to be like his father, though. So that comparison doesn't really fit.
    I am in love with pizza. It was delicious. Though I'm really full now... I'm glad you smiled, haha c: I like making people smile.
    I just ordered a new phone c: A HTC Sensation. It looks pretty cool. The best part about it has to be Whatsapp, though. Do you have Whatsapp? Because that means, when simcard is activated and stuff, we can Whatsapp all day, haha 8)
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    Nah, I don't. How would you know, anyway? You've never seen me in real life. And you don't want to, trust me.
    Haha, as I said; I'll figure something out. I'll probably Skype with Jennie tomorrow, so we'll probably talk about it again and stuff, so yea... c:
    Haha, okay, that's good c: What d'you mean with that? 'cause you're Canadian, but you moved here. So does that mean you'll move away and then stay there or something? I don't get it.
    Aw, that's nice c:
    Hahaha, insane people rule the world, OKAY? And I love you for it as well.
    Ik moet nu gaan, de pizza roept! (in plaats van 'de plicht roept', snap je? Slechte grap, lol.)
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    Pretty head? Who? Me? What are you talking about? I should've remembered, though. I won't forget now, I promise c:
    Okay, then. I'll try my best.
    I want to, but I just met them. It would be a bit weird, I think. But I'll figure it out.
    Hahaha. I felt really shit at the moment, okay? It is kind of funny, though. Looking back on it... I'm not sure where I'll move to, but I am sure I will move. I won't be like my parents, stuck in the same town for all eternity - though my mum isn't exactly from this town, but one 5 km away or something...
    I was so excited about people reading it, that I didn't think about it, haha. Aw, thank you. That's really kind of you c:
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Joffrey

    Wow, really? My forgetfulness has reached its limit now. Let's pretend you never told me, so my enthusiasm isn't really strange. Aw, that's lovely. I'm happy for you c:
    Hm, you might be right about that. That doesn't matter, though. You're strong, Mara. Never doubt that.
    Alright then, if you say so. I'll try my best, though. I might just post two chapters for my Regulus-story or something. We'll see.
    Yea, I know. She told me she was a bit worried, but then she saw me with Sjoerd and she knew I'd be fine. I felt really lonely when I came back yesterday afternoon, though. I just felt a connection with those people, more so than I have with my own friends.
    I asked my parents, but they didn't want to. Their jobs are near our home, so it would be a bit ridiculous to move there. They'd have to travel a lot. And I'm sure Jennifer wouldn't like it either.
    You should. It's lots of fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy it c: You're very welcome, love.
    Thank you for your lovely comment on the prologue. It really means a lot.
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden

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