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In your heart.




lovecompany, Pakora



Let your light lead you the way.


Believe, believe, believe

I don't know how I got here
I knew it wouldn't be easy
But your faith in me was so clear
It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
But you knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at me now

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be, if you didn't believe

There were days when I was just broken, you know
There were nights when I was doubting myself
But you kept my heart from falling
It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
But you knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at us now

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be, if you didn't believe

Where would I be, if you, if you
If you didn't believe
Would I know how it feels to
Touch the sky, if you didn't believe
Believe, believe

It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
You knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at us now

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be, if you didn't believe

Where would I be, if you
If you didn't believe
Would I know how it feels to
Touch the sky, if you didn't believe
Believe, believe

Where would I be, if you didn't believe

As long as you love me, We could be starving, We could be homeless or We could be broke.

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

1 weken 1 dagen

3845 [24 uur]











27 Creaties van JuicyBieber

Gastenboek (67)


    This is part of my story and it has made me who I am.
    Een kijkje ?
    Alvast bedankt ! Xo

    1 decennium geleden
  • oreorauhls

    RELLIK - Jason McCann
    Jason McCann - confirmed dead at the scene.
    Only they failed to check his pulse correctly..

    Na twee jaar lang verstoppen in de States of America. Bereid hij zich voor voor wraak, zijn enige motivatie om te leven. Hij is terug onder een valse identiteit. Hij is een onschuldige negentienjarige jongen met een moorddadige geheim.

    And he's living in my home..

    Watch out..
    Emotional Abuse,
    Graphic Violence,
    Physical Abuse
    Starts March 1st
    Dutch Version

    1 decennium geleden
  • oreorauhls

    RELLIK - Jason McCann
    Jason McCann - confirmed dead at the scene.
    Only they failed to check his pulse correctly..

    Na twee jaar lang verstoppen in de States of America. Bereid hij zich voor voor wraak, zijn enige motivatie om te leven. Hij is terug onder een valse identiteit. Hij is een onschuldige negentienjarige jongen met een moorddadige geheim.

    And he's living in my home..

    Watch out..
    Emotional Abuse,
    Graphic Violence,
    Physical Abuse
    Starts March 1st
    Dutch Version

    1 decennium geleden
  • ChunkyBieber

    Zou je misschien een kijkje willen nemen bij mijn story:
    100 Days Of Bieber - Justin Bieber

    Thanku. Sorry voor de reclame.. (flower)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Tatlitug

    Omdat jij zo lief, aardig, super grappig en *tam tam tam* superdeduppercool bent! dacht ik dat je m'n nieuwe verhaal wel zou willen lezen?

    Het is een echte dance story met mr. Bieber & de enige echte Chachi Gonzales.

    link: Our Passion brought us together ~ ft. Bieber

    ps. Sollie als je dit haat x(


    1 decennium geleden

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