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fuck you.

Is this shit working?
is it on?
is it filming?
is it going?
Good, okay!

How ya all doin? I'm so glad yaw chicken-heads decided to watch this profile 'cause I got someting to say. And listen, I'll get a lot of hate-comments for this, but guess what? a bitch don't give a shit.
Listen, I was searching on youtube yesterday for those old R-Kelly video's, 'cause I was in one, you know, with that 90's movies?
Anyways I came on Quizlet and I saw these stories, ...
Gurl listen, Gurls and boys ... and Bill Kaulitz, listen.
(he's in a catagory of his damn own, you know what I'm sayin? anyways, listen)
I saw these stories, of those Dutch bitches tryin' to write, and show peoplo how to write.
And listen, I ain't racist! I ain't tryin' to be racist. But all I'm sain' is: Bitches should stick to what they know. And what they need to be doin' is writing stories about how to give good blow-jobs and get good nails.
That was kinda racist, wasn't it? didn't meant to be. Whoeps!
Well, I already said it, can't take it back. Floep!
So I decided I should give good writing-tips, 'Cause ya all know:
If you wanna write a good story , You all come to Shanaynay (H)

So first you want to begin with writing a poem. I like to re-write a poem, 'cause it's a lot more original and surprising.
Let me show u one:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I'll fuck you with a rake.

You see? :) you wasn't expecting that, was you? :D
Here comes another re-writing for the emo-ones outthere, 'cause I know you want one!

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

My parents said I was a mistake and I cut myself,

How about you?

Cute right? (F) and how classy!

So why don't you leave me a comment telling me what your problem is, and I might answer it in your guestbook, or in a private message, or I probably won't even do it 'cause I'm lazy!:X;)

see you later, peace it!:8

Ghetto Princess

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

13 uur 18 minuten

866 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (6)

  • Fumgum

    I know that 2(cool)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Fumgum

    i want to, but he doesn't let do of me!

    1 decennium geleden
  • RussianPower

    Fuck YOU bitch(6)

    1 decennium geleden
  • RussianPower

    P.S. I'm going on a date with Shane! (yeah)(yeah)

    1 decennium geleden
  • RussianPower

    Hi there bitch! (cool)

    How are ya doing? :P

    Luff ya(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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