• Ever since Harry had a dream about Snakes and Lions slaying and murdering each other off, things are starting to shift at Hogwarts. And unlikely bond is forged, and one might even use a very dangerous word to describe it...Love

    Deze story bevat homoseksualiteit en sex
    © Erato

    Kort: het is een Engelse Drarry


    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2011 - 14:14 ]

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.


    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.


    Yeehaa, kleine party voor deze mijlpaal (hoera)(yeah)(Y)

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.


    Op naar de 20! :P

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Ik wil hoofdstuk 12. _O_

    "Well, well. Look who we've got here!"

    Tatatadaaaaaaaaaam, speciaal voor jou HOOFDSTUK 12 :p

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.


    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.


    Ik bedacht me gisteren hoe grappig het zou zijn als Draco tegen Lucius zou zeggen: I'm queer, I'm here, deal with it.
    En toen ging ik stuk.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    HOOFDSTUK 15 (hoera)

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Uitzonderlijk eens twee hoofdstukjes op een dag.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.


    & 29 abo's.
    Wauw, ik had er misschien 5 verwacht.
    Echt, bedankt my little puppets :$

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Lijkt me een mooi verhaal maar ik haat het om in het engels te lezen, dus helaaaas.



    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Stommerd, die had ik al gelezen :'(

    Life is hard and then we die

    Haha, ik vind Drarry zo grappig klinken. :3

    None but ourselves can free our minds.


    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.