• Weten jullie nog leuke of minder leuke quotes van bekende mensen?

    Plaats ze maar x']

    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.

    De beste blijft:

    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
    - Kurt Cobain.

    everything, in time

    "I'm like, 'What world am I living in?' Aren't movies made to have something to say? Why make a movie if you don't have something to say? What are you doing it for? Are you doing it because you want to make a lot of money?" - Jake Gyllenhaal

    "Crazy people don't sit around wondering if they're nuts." - Jake Gyllenhaal

    Even snel van mijn profiel gepakt. (:
    Op de andere computer heb ik een document met heel veel quotes, maar daar kan ik nu dus niet bij...

    Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.

    If you don't dream big, what's the use of believing?

    Hope goes lost but never dies.

    Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

    I hope heaven needs you more than I do now.

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 20:20 ]

    Firm believer of all that is magic

    Suusijsje schreef:
    De beste blijft:

    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
    - Kurt Cobain.

    Ja. _O_
    En: Het is goed als je haters hebt, want dat betekent dat je een eigen mening hebt.

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'

    "Stay beautiful. Keep it ugly." - Gerard Way

    "Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary." - Gerard Way

    "Spiders rule the World." - Matthew Bellamy

    "I've never really been into doing guitar solos. There's something very uncool about them." - Matthew Bellamy

    you are the smell before rain | you are the blood in my veins

    “I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things.” - Gerard Way
    “Homophobia is gay.” - Frank Iero

    Have you ever had sex with a piece of fruit? Was it a melon? [Nathan Young]

    Ik weet wel uit films :3
    "I studied at what I believe they call the University of Life, and I didn't get a very good degree there." - An Education

    +nog twee, van wel een celeb
    "If you're going to put yourself above everybody else, you might end up alone." - Joseph Gordon-Levitt

    "I don't think anything is entirely original. Everything has its influences. What matters is if you're honest." - Joseph Gordon-Levitt

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 20:53 ]

    As travars

    never regret something, that once made you smile.

    Noem mezelf baas, want ze weten wie ik ben.

    x Don't regret anything you do, cause in the end it makes you who you are.
    x If we don't end war, war will end us.
    x "Dancers are instruments, like a piano the choreographer plays." ~George Balanchine
    x “I'm teaching myself to believe in things that I don't understand. I don't even know if they're true. But that's what dreamers do..”

    The best things in life aren't things.

    If the kid's don't believe, make them believe.


    "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn’t understand the assignment.
    I told them they didn’t understand life."
    — John Lennon

    Love? No. I prefer cats.

    Authors schreef:
    If the kid's don't believe, make them believe.

    The best things in life aren't things.

    Destiny is just an excuse for waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen!

    - Blair Waldorf

    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.