• De mijne:
    1/2" Rosewood with Phoenix Feather.Rosewood represents beauty, and is very adept when it comes to matters of love. Phoenix tail can make wands that are very powerful, so I think the user of this wand will be dating whoever he/she likes, whether it's through fear or love potions.

    Klik hier om te quiz te maken, als je nog niet weet welke staf bij je past (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 april 2011 - 16:16 ]


    7 1/2" Birch with Veela Hair

    Don't serch to love, love will find you.

    You Scored as 8" Cedar with Unicorn Hair
    Some would say you were average, but it's gonna be you winning that marathon, you passing that test. Stay pure of heart and you'll pull through

    Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.

    You Scored as 11" elm with phoenix feather
    The ultimate power combination. THis wand kicks @$$! just be sure to use it responsibly

    zo dat was een lang durende quiz! maar goed ik heb ;

    Rosewood represents beauty, and is very adept when it comes to matters of love. Phoenix tail can make wands that are very powerful, so I think the user of this wand will be dating whoever he/she likes, whether it's through fear or love potions.

    Listen to your heart and your dreams come true ~

    You Scored as 7 1/2" Birch with Veela Hair
    It is often said that wands made of birch create strong relationships, and the beauty of a veela is said to be transferred through the wand. enjoy your graceful manner.

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    11" elm with phoenix feather
    The ultimate power combination. THis wand kicks @$$! just be sure to use it responsibly

    Eh... Die had ik niet verwacht...

    Has no one told you she's not breathing?

    14" Oak with Hippogriff Talon (:
    Oftewel 14 inches/35 centimeter, eikenhout met een Hippogriefveer.
    Ik hou van Hippogriefen, serieus :9~

    This is the part of me, that you're never ever gonna take away from me.

    10" Willow with Veela Hair
    Willow with Veela! What a combination! Charms will probably be your favorite class. Don't always depend on your wand though-it has it's ups and downs, although the occasional burst of strength is always nice.

    Shoganai i ne~

    You Scored as 9" Ash with Dragon Hearstring
    Think about working with Madam Pomfrey every once in a while, but try not to hex anyone in the process. People better treat you well or they might find themselves regrowing that ear the hard way!

    He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."

    11" elm with phoenix feather

    Caution first, always.

    You Scored as 14" Oak with Hippogrif Talon
    You are pretty tall, and compatible with jinxes. You command a certain respect, and you read plenty...more than average, but a healthy amount. And plus, you're tough to boot!

    I like Hippogrifs =)

    Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

    You Scored as 11" elm with phoenix feather

    The ultimate power combination. THis wand kicks @$$! just be sure to use it responsibly

    You Scored as 8 1/2" Willow with Hippogrif Talon
    Hippogrifs demand respect, and so do you. Even so, you're flexible and can move to make other people happy.

    Yeah. Staarthaar van een hippogrief.
    Wist ik allang! xD !

    Hackers suck - and so do you, assh*le

    You Scored as 7 1/2" Birch with Veela Hair
    It is often said that wands made of birch create strong relationships, and the beauty of a veela is said to be transferred through the wand. enjoy your graceful manner.

    Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

    8 1/2" Willow with Hippogrif Talon