Dus met andere woorden. In welke klas zitten jullie. Ik in A4B (Vierde klas, Atheneum, tweede A4 klas.)
You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt
5Hc 5 Havo klas C.
Best way not to get your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one.
Before you start pointing, make sure your hands are clean. - Bob Marley
5Ha 5 Havo, klas a.
I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
3HuweA (= 3 Humane Wetenschappen. A = Talen)
Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
2MWb 2 moderne wetenschappen b
I know you're lonely, but you're not alone.
You've got to realize: you're the Devil as much as you're God.
V2B vwo tweede klas en de B, omdat die na de A komt xd
[ bericht aangepast op 13 april 2011 - 13:34 ]
Me so good.
A3T Atheneum Klas 3 Tweetalig
Nothing lasts forever, for all good things it's true. I'd rather trade it all, while somehow saving you.
4 BK vierde klas basis kader
[ bericht aangepast op 13 april 2011 - 13:59 ]
sommige liefdes zijn perfect, andere zijn vervloekt
G3A Gymnasium leerjaar drie A en er is niet eens een b-klas ><
[ bericht aangepast op 13 april 2011 - 14:10 ]
I'm not smug, ma'am, it's just the unfortunate shape of my face.
1BLA eerste jaar van mijn opleiding biomedische, labogroep A.
If you had never come out of the blue, I would've stay
V3B+ Vwo+, derde klas.
Even a white rose has a black shadow.
groep 8 bijna eerste gymnasium
I love you Irem
3GT4 = derde jaars, TL/GL, vierde klas
Don't serch to love, love will find you.
H2C H = Havo 2 = 2e klas C = A,B,C de derde 2e havo klas onze bijnaam is probleemklas
(Be)lieve in (you)rself