Heeey Liefords ^^
Take My Hand Take A Breath ...
Live life limitless.
Ik zie hem niet goed, een 7.
Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen.
The awkward moment when a sentence doesn’t end the way you think it octopus.
8 :"D
Mew <3
I don't need words to feel those lips.
I need you like a heart needs a beat
She is waiting for you, so don't break her heart.
8. mooi <3 Mijne is cat Casino, hij is sexy <3
I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles...
9,3 ziet er Cewll uit
cry me a river..build a bridge.. &nd get 0vr it..
Laat me nu toch niet alleen, radeloos en verloren.....
10! (WB<3)
whaha dankje 5.5 Xx