• Twitter werkt niet bij mij, Het zegt ERROR :(

    Werkt twitter bij jullie ??

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    This time i'm ready to run. Escape from the city and follow the sun.

    Tweetdeck (nerd)

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind


    Hope goes lost but never dies.

    jawel wel via tweet deck

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Yes, it does.(nerd)

    your eyes are like stars in the night.


    There is nothing more badass than being yourself

    Nope =(

    Today will be Girl's Day party with you~

    jup ^^

    It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.

    Something is technically wrong.

    toen drukte ik op home en POEF hij doet et ofzo

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    HeffronDrive schreef:

    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

    Nope, error D:

    I hope heaven needs you more than I do now.

    Ik kan er gewoon op :)

    What is youre favo scary movie?

    Lang leve mijn blackberry ! _O_

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    Carbonero schreef:

    I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house.

    Tweetdeck ftw _O_
