• Is mijn nieuwe username!
    Bye Wherewithal, hello Clueless!

    You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?

    Leuke naam!

    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.

    I didn't have a clue :)

    Life is hard and then we die

    PUKKELxDING schreef:
    I didn't have a clue :)

    Exactly. 8D

    You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?

    Leuk, leuk ^^
    heel raadselachtig.

    walking get's too boring, when you learn how to fly..

    Hello (:

    Best way not to get your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one.

    leuk ^^

    It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.


    It's going to be difficult, but not impossible.