• Klik als je durft.

    Tell me what you're made of..
    I'm made of innocence too
    What you're afraid of
    I'll make it disappear
    Beautiful scars don't last forever
    Come on, let me kiss it better
    The pain won't last forever
    Come on, let me kiss it better

    Your perfect the way you are
    I wanna hold your suffering in my arms
    They're talkin' & they're talkin' but they make no sound
    Whatever you do don't let them break you down
    You're perfect you're perfect you're perfect.. the way you are

    They make you wanna self destruct
    and become someone else
    And when it feels like too much
    Baby don't hurt yourself

    Beautiful scars don't last forever
    Come on, let me kiss it better
    The pain won't last forever
    Come on, let me kiss it better

    Your perfect the way you are
    I wanna hold your suffering in my arms
    They're talkin' & they're talkin' but they make no sound
    Whatever you do don't let them break you down
    You're perfect you're perfect you're perfect.. the way you are

    Don't you see.. don't you see...
    You're P E R F E C T

    Jeffree Star is awesome <3

    Sometimes it's best not to care.

    Haha Jeffree Star x3

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2011 - 17:45 ]

    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.

    Roze haar O.O

    And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.

    Morgaine schreef:
    Roze haar O.O

    Ik heb ook roze haar :Y)

    Sometimes it's best not to care.