De vorige was vol (:
"Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan
you are the smell before rain | you are the blood in my veins
My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with.
lelijk.. srry
“If I had someone like that in my life, I’d be very happy indeed.” - Bradley James
Beetje druk en onduidelijk (:
I'm a hero, and I'm super. I guess I'm a SUPERHERO
ELMO! Leuk
Life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.
wel leuk
Ik zie niks dus geen mening.
The two best teachers are love and pain. - Andrea Haskell
Mooi :)
dream, dare, fly!
niet mijn smaak.
[ bericht aangepast op 15 nov 2010 - 7:57 ]
''yOu aLreaDy kNoW wHaT'S uP''
lelijk srry
hellowe <3
Even a white rose has a black shadow.
you're a bandit. Just a no good, too big, filthy, rotten criminal.