Haha, jongeh, ik was met een psycholoog aan het praten. :'D
Stranger: I'm here to help. What are the stressors in your life
You: Haha :'D
You: School
Stranger: I assume that its either a social problem or a work problem or possible both, am I correct?
You: Work problem. I have much to do with the examens in visibility
You: But wtf are you? A psychologist?
Stranger: Yes actually, I am
You: Nice. 
You: Is it a nice job?
Stranger: It is, but it drains me to the point of where I just want to sleep most days. alot of peoples problems get thrown into my lap, but I enjoy helping others
You: I think, I can't be a psychologist. Probably I at the people their problems. ;x
You: *Probably I laugh at the people their problems
Stranger: one moment please
You: Ok
Stranger: Alright im back. Had to grab my bong.
You: I know it is'nt fair, but you know? I laugh very much. And I can't be serious, that's why I must be laughing. But the patients going to think that I'm laughing whit them, but it is'nt. Anywas,
You: *Anyways
You: It was never my plan to being a psychologist
Stranger: I understand, its just your sense of humor. I used to laugh to, but then I finally realized the reason their coming to me is for help.
Stranger: but some peoples problems just make me cringe.
Stranger: I had a patient once who was molested as a little girl and in her adult form took on pedophillia as well.
Stranger: She admitted to have done several sexual acts with teenage boys she had babysitted
You: o.o
You: That's awfull. ;o
You: Sorry if you don't understand what I'm saying. English is'nt very good by me.
Stranger: yes, yes it is. She didnt mean it in the way that she just wanted to use them. But she really had, she just wanted to be touched in a loving way, not forcefully.
Stranger: Its alright, no worries
Stranger: Well, I shall talk to you another time hopefully. Live long and prosper.
Only losers can act the way you do