• Omdat ik Omegle sinds gisteren helemaal geweldig vind, kan je hier je grappige gesprekken posten.

    (Omegle.com is een site waar je met mensen vanover de hele wereld kan praten.)


    ASL betekend: Age, Sex, Location. (Leeftijd, geslacht, locatie)

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    Let the Night embrace you

    You: Hi
    You: Where you from?
    You: Belgium?
    You: Netherland?
    You: Haha,
    You: Dude,
    You: Answer ;'D
    Stranger: You type a lot
    Stranger: Relax
    Stranger: You a woman?
    You: Yes
    You: You?
    Stranger: No
    Stranger: M-a-n
    Stranger: And I'm USA
    You: Oh, ;D
    You: How r u?
    Stranger: Sick under a blanket, but otherwise good.
    Stranger: You?
    You: Good.
    Stranger: Anyway, I'm Ruben. Nice to meet you.
    You: I'm Emilie. Nice to meet you to ;D
    Stranger: Funky way to spel it
    Stranger: How old are you miss emiliee
    You: Emilie is the French way to spel it. ;D
    You: I'm 12 :'D
    You: You?
    Stranger: oi
    Stranger: 12
    Stranger: cool well my friends are here, we're gonna play some pokemon
    Stranger: ttyl

    Haha. :'D

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 maart 2010 - 21:32 ]

    Only losers can act the way you do

    Haha, ik heb iemand toegevoegd van China ;D

    You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.

    You type a lot. :'D

    I live for the applause, you will die for it.

    Ik ben met een aardige Amerikaan aan het praten, die Sean heet, en zijn sleutelbeen gebroken heeft :3

    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

    Stranger: hey
    Stranger: asl
    You: 19,f,dutch
    You: you?
    Stranger: 19/f/usa
    Stranger: u straight/lesb/bi
    You: straight
    Stranger: u sure?
    You: lol pretty sure yes:P
    Stranger: aww man

    Stranger: Hii roxybabey@hotmail.co.uk is my msn addie im not a pedo thanks if you add me im 18 f uk and my name is roxy :) thanks
    Stranger: please add me :)
    You: I don't have msn
    You: sorry


    [ bericht aangepast op 7 maart 2010 - 21:46 ]

    Hope goes lost but never dies.

    Haha, jongeh, ik was met een psycholoog aan het praten. :'D

    Stranger: I'm here to help. What are the stressors in your life
    You: Haha :'D
    You: School
    Stranger: I assume that its either a social problem or a work problem or possible both, am I correct?
    You: Work problem. I have much to do with the examens in visibility
    You: But wtf are you? A psychologist?
    Stranger: Yes actually, I am
    You: Nice. ;D
    You: Is it a nice job?
    Stranger: It is, but it drains me to the point of where I just want to sleep most days. alot of peoples problems get thrown into my lap, but I enjoy helping others
    You: I think, I can't be a psychologist. Probably I at the people their problems. ;x
    You: *Probably I laugh at the people their problems
    Stranger: one moment please
    You: Ok
    Stranger: Alright im back. Had to grab my bong.
    You: I know it is'nt fair, but you know? I laugh very much. And I can't be serious, that's why I must be laughing. But the patients going to think that I'm laughing whit them, but it is'nt. Anywas,
    You: *Anyways
    You: It was never my plan to being a psychologist
    Stranger: I understand, its just your sense of humor. I used to laugh to, but then I finally realized the reason their coming to me is for help.
    Stranger: but some peoples problems just make me cringe.
    Stranger: I had a patient once who was molested as a little girl and in her adult form took on pedophillia as well.
    Stranger: She admitted to have done several sexual acts with teenage boys she had babysitted
    You: o.o
    You: That's awfull. ;o
    You: Sorry if you don't understand what I'm saying. English is'nt very good by me.
    Stranger: yes, yes it is. She didnt mean it in the way that she just wanted to use them. But she really had, she just wanted to be touched in a loving way, not forcefully.
    Stranger: Its alright, no worries
    Stranger: Well, I shall talk to you another time hopefully. Live long and prosper.

    Only losers can act the way you do

    Icetea schreef:
    Mijn stranger komt uit Schotland o.o

    Onee, mag ik hem hebben?
    Ik hou van Schotland!!!! ;o

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Hahaha, ik praat met iemand uit Pakistan die erg gelovig is :p

    Stranger: hindus are the greatest sinners
    Stranger: they worship stones
    You: do they?
    Stranger: yea
    Stranger: they all go to hell
    You: and where do you think I'll go to once I die?
    Stranger: if u follow isam i can pray for u to go to heaven
    Stranger: otherwise i am forbidden to pray for u

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 maart 2010 - 21:49 ]

    If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.

    Thanks to Pestkop, heb ik dit gedaan:

    You: I'm here to help. What are the stressors in your life?
    Stranger: i'm a man
    You: Owh.
    Stranger: ?
    You: You know, you can change your gender now..
    You: If that's a stressor in your life.
    You: Being a man.
    Stranger: crazy ass hole

    Toen was hij weg x'D

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    omg daar moet je bang voor zijn:P, als je zegt dat je niet gelovig bent gaat ie proberen je te bekeren:P

    Haha, dit is grappig xD

    Stranger: and dont eat pork
    Stranger: :)
    You: I'll see about that if you don't mind :p
    Stranger: no u shudnt eat
    Stranger: eat cakes instead
    Stranger: byee
    You: but you'll grow fat faster when you eat cakes :p
    Stranger: :)
    Stranger: but pork is forbidden

    If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.

    Ghehehe. Ik heb nu een dokter uit India.

    Hope goes lost but never dies.

    You: hai
    Stranger: wanna c my dick?
    You: yeh forsure
    Stranger: horny f?


    your eyes are like stars in the night.

    Icetea schreef:
    Ghehehe. Ik heb nu een dokter uit India.
    Heet hij Sandy? :p

    If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.