team jacob of team edward?
sometimes it's hard to find yourself...
JACOB ;P Team Kaulitz
Team Edward.
Stay calm and be a directioner.
team edward! maar jacob is ook cool... edward is toch liever.. (L)
team edward!!!!
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Bill Cosby
Team Jacob natuurlijk.
Remember the nights we drove around crazy, in love.
team edward(yeah)
Damon Salvatore <3
Team Jacob
team jacob ofcourse
loyalty takes yaers to build, only seconds to destroy
Team Edward (:
The two best teachers are love and pain. - Andrea Haskell
team Jacob Ik vind Edward een beetje te stijfjes XP
Lies are not the stories we tell, they're the lives we lead
Team Edwaaard (:
live the life you love
Ik kan niet kiezen!
I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you.
Geen één van allebei
Stop wishing, Start doing..