-dit is niet slecht/racistisch bedoeld oké?- dus waaazzzuuppp?
Cowards die many times before their deaths.
Sistah from anotha mistah!
I recycle my thoughts.
omg. Dat klinkt echt gewoon FOUT
You were much more muchier, you've lost your muchness.
Poes schreef: Sistah from anotha mistah!
Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some braincells
Fictional schreef: Rare papi's hier,
Joooo Broooo
I found myself in Wonderland.
Ewa dushi, ga je uit scoro mee naar me osso? Panja worden, je weet zelluf.
We'll still love each other, forever and always. <3
Idiotique schreef: (...) aaah, dikke joiiiiint meeeen!
boemaa in me zak!
Backstabber schreef: (...) Joint is jonko, ei. x"]
Idiotique schreef: (...) ah né men! doe serieus!
Backstabber schreef: (...) Faka met jou? Ik doe serieus. Kom niet lauw doen. :'D
Snake schreef: Dudettes, kannekik da toalke ni zenne!
wollah mattie wat denk jij, doe niet zo tantoe skir :'D
[ bericht aangepast op 30 dec 2009 - 0:26 ]
Everything means nothing, if I ain't got you.
Idiotique schreef: (...) hahhhahaha! jij bent zeker geen gangsta
Ryan Dunn (ll)
Wrinkled linen and half tinted sunnies.