Oké, dit is dus misschien al oud nieuws, maar ik was net aan het kijken op de TH site en toen zag ik dit bericht staan.Het gaat over het concert op WB. Ze mochten dus geen afscheid van hun fans nemen (dat is echt kut), veel fans dachten dat ze boos waren ofzo of sjaggie en dat ze het daarom niet deden. Maar hier onder staad het bericht;;
Hi everyone! We really had tons of fun performing on Sunday at the Werchter Boutique Festival in Belgium. It was terrific to see how many of you Tokio Hotel fans came out to watch us LIVE! Unfortunately there was an incident that soured the whole experience – at the end of our performance we were not allowed to play an encore and we were forced by the officials to leave the stage! You can´t imagine how sad and angry it made us not being able to say a proper goodbye to you guys.
We are very much looking forward to return to Belgium and to do a much longer show.
See you guys soon and all the best to you! Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg
Tears are crashing out of my eyes