Wat hebben jullie voor MSN Nickname? Hier heb ik zelfde probleem, weet daar ook geen Nick. Daarom heb ik een onzin Nick.
I live for the applause, you will die for it.
Ooh! De mijne is: ' Liessol Ciewlschjen woensdag/donderdag/vrijdag. ♥ xx
I don't need to explain myself, I know I'm right.
Mijne is ; Say Cheese And Die.
Spirits move me, every time I'm near you.
Mijne is ymk Ben inspiloos.
Michael Jackson: dance, sing and rest in peace!
Mijne; ' Niienke .| So Much For My Happy Ending
Remember the nights we drove around crazy, in love.
hahaha mijne is (: MalouSpongebob & SemanurSquarpants.
She is waiting for you, so don't break her heart.
The Best Of Us Can Find Happiness In Misery.. is de mijne (:
Annick lieft Fedor Vrijdag DENISE WEER ZIEN!!!
Life is hard and then we die
Weather Kicks Ass. // Sem. In Too Deep [LP]&[1R]&[SUM41]&[FM]&[JT]
(H)N_ii_c_k_y(H) -A heart is not a toy, but if you really want to play with it, give it to a boy-
"You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson
* sachaANIMAL
The sag in my swag <3
De mijne; °The more I get, the more I want Man man man x'D
What you see, is what you get.