• Zie titel ik begin

    Alani wordt inala

    (bericht aangepast door een moderator)

    Kanor -> Ronak


    demi- Imed

    Girls Love Ben&Jerry's more than you^^

    Yentl -->> Ltney


    Ichelle -> ellechi

    Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

    Dorien --> Neirod

    Ik denk ni dat iemand zijn kind Neirod gaat noemen.
    Dat is gewoon kindermishandeling!! Met Dorien is natuurlijk nix mis...xD

    Got up on the wrong side of life today

    nevard-draven :)

    *all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well*

    neirtak - katrien


    Christa > Atsirhc

    If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.

    jeah lekr koewl:p

    rosemarijn > njiramesor

    Whaha x]

    Carola = Alorac x'D

    I solemny swear i am up to no good

    chelsey wordt Yeslehc . ^^

    Reaching for something in the distance_

    Marisha wordt ahsiraM

    The awkward moment when a sentence doesn’t end the way you think it octopus.



    Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't wanna live there.