Stranger: You an atheist?
You: jup
Stranger: What prevents you from beleiving in God?
Stranger: Is there not enough evidence?
You: lol there is too much evidence that there is no such thing as god
Stranger: Lol, so you actually have evidence AGAINST God's existance!?
You: duhh
Stranger: What is one piece of evidence, if I may ask?
You: lol
You: war?
Stranger: War is horrible, no doubt.
Stranger: Sin is horrible.
Stranger: God hates it.
You: yeah believing in god is useless too, tell me something new please
You: yeah useless
You: you read it correct
You: useless
Stranger: But what if he does exist, and you perish and suffer in Hell for all eternity.
You: well
You: i won't have to complain about being cold?
You: would be nice
You: nice and warm
You: comfy
Stranger: nope... you would be tormented for all eternity
You: why? been there?
Stranger: you would be the farthest away from all comfort
You: you sure know a lot about hell
Stranger: no, but I've read about it.
You: you're not satan are you 0.o
Stranger: I might be satan.
You: yeah must be...
Stranger: Why else would I be on here trying to get you to beleive, which will no doubt have an adverse effect and further seperate you from God.
You: lol
You: i DON'T believe in something like god
You: and i never will
You: because it's crazy
You: do you believe in aliens?
Stranger: No, that's crazy.
You: lol
You: you DO believe in god but you don't believe in aliens? same ting
Stranger: The aliens havent sent us a written word.
You: they didn't?
Stranger: Nopes
Stranger: The aliens don't answer our prayers.
You: what about those scary UFO's i see?
You: oh wait
You: must be the drugs
You: or the alcohol
You: or the sex with strangers?
You: don't know
You: but hey, i'm a sinner
You: and i LOVE it
Stranger: Yeah, sin is great.
Stranger: Why else would we sin?
Stranger: Sin has to be freaking amazing, or else there'd be no temptation.
You: but temptation is wrong
You: you are a bad christian
You: you shall burn in hell
You: woohoo^^
Stranger: No, because I sincerely repent of my sins and am forgiven by God.
You: that god of you is just as realistic as an alien
You: or heaven or hell
Stranger: Have you read the bible?
Stranger: Its a good book.
Stranger: If anything you should read it for its literary value.
You: no thanks
You: i'd rather waste my time on getting drunk and having sex with some random person
You: male or femal
Stranger: Its the best selling book of all time.
You: don't give a damn
Stranger: Not much of a reader, eh?
You: ooh i am a reader
You: but i only read good quality books
You: like harry potter
Stranger: Just don't read good literature.
You: ooh and twilight
Stranger: How about actually good literature, like 100 years of solitude?
You: good books
You: specially the vampire and werewolf parts
Stranger: They were OK
You: oeh
You: another sin
You: vampires and werewolves don't exist
You: bad christian
You: bad bad christian
Stranger: Why would that be sinful?
Stranger: Using our minds and imaginations that God gave us is not a sin.
You: so why not believe in aliens then?
Stranger: Because there's no tangible evidence for aliens.
You: what's next? are you going to tell me that you're god?
You: can't be
You: because i am
Stranger: You shouldn't claim to be really ticks Him off.
Stranger: You know, God is very patient, but he has a limit.
You: I know,
You: that i am very bored by this
You: you're not really impressing me
You: and what about your limit? have i reached it already?
Stranger: Definitely not.
Stranger: After all, I'm the one who initiated this conversation.
You: or should i tell you about the biggist "sin" i have
You: crazy to start it with me
Stranger: What's the biggist "sin" you have?
You: screaming to that great "god" of yours that i hate him
You: or her
You: or whatever it is
You: don't care
Stranger: You're wrong, the greatest sin you have is denying and rejecting God entirely, that sin will send you to Hell, unfortunately.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.