• Hetzelfde concept als het "alfabet met filmgifs" topic, maar dan met personages. De letter mag van de voornaam of de achternaam komen.

    Ik begin wel:

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    Asher Forrester (Telltale's Game of Thrones)

    ars moriendi

    Bonnie Plunkett (Mom)

    You gave me my life all those years ago, now I give you yours.

    Chewbacca (Star Wars)

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.

    Daisy Johnson (Agents of SHIELD)

    “The heart is an arrow. It demands to aim true."

    Faramir (Lord of the Rings)

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 dec 2017 - 19:50 ]

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.

    “The heart is an arrow. It demands to aim true."

    The Hunchback of Notredame

    ars moriendi

    Indra (The 100)

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.

    Jiminy Cricket

    Credendo Vides

    Kevin Ball (Shameless US)

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Mah girl Lori Grimes

    ars moriendi

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 dec 2017 - 15:23 ]

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    Newt (The Maze Runner)

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 dec 2017 - 15:37 ]

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.