Person A lives alone. They ask a good friend, B, for help with something: A has to go on a long business trip and would like B to keep the house in a somewhat clean shape while A is gone.
B accepts, and finds that A is actually a pretty messy person. B goes above the call, making sure everything is really neat, and ends up finding A’s journal.
B thinks “There can’t be anything too personal if [A] left it here knowing I could see it.” and takes a peek inside… Finding a paragraph or two where A angsts over or simply writes about their love for B for venting purposes.
Does B tell A about this, or just try to act more on their own attraction from then on? Does B feel the same way in the first place?
OT3 bonus 1: A is a co-worker and roommate with C, who put the journal there on purpose just so B could find it before going off on the trip.
OT3 bonus 2: B is already together with C, which is why A is so angsty about the whole thing. But C does not mind ‘sharing’ B in the slightest and makes that clear to them.