''Where will you fit in? ''

    This RPG is borrowed from Tumblr, I thought it was nice to have one here too. Camhanaich, said I could use her lay-out

    P L O T

    Once upon a time, there were two very different high schools. Rosewood Prep had all the funding they could ever need. It was where all the spoiled rich kids went to play. What Rosewood didn’t have were the amazing arts, music, and theater classes that Shining Stars Arts Academy offered. On the other hand, Shining Stars Arts Academy barely had enough money to stay open another year. So they made a deal to combine the two boarding schools. Rosewood Prep, filled with rich kids, primadonna party girls, and sports stars, is now combined with the scene kids, art freaks, hippies, and outcasts of Shining Stars Arts Academy. They’re in the same classes, they eat lunch together, and now the Rosewood students have even had to let the Shining Stars students into their precious recreation building, otherwise known as their lounge room and pool. If that wasn’t bad enough, now that the new school year has started, the students even have to share the dorms. Rosewood Prep students are taking arts classes with their original students, the kids from Shining Stars. But it’s not just the students that are hard to handle. All of Shining Stars’ teachers are earthy-crunchy, unconventional, scatter-brained, and all around weird. To say that most of the Rosewood students aren’t used to it is an understatement. Meanwhile, the Shining Stars kids aren’t so happy about the new arrangement either. They’re a tight-knit bunch, and even if they don’t particularly like another person in their class, they’ll still stop at nothing to defend them. The Shining Stars students and teachers are a family, now more than ever, and they certainly don’t like hearing that the Rosewood students are calling them dirty hippies behind their backs. However, the Shining Stars kids are slowly finding their way into exclusive Rosewood parties, while some of the Rosewood students are actually starting to enjoy their unconventionally fun art classes. The schools are mixing, and as they do, unexpected relationships and betrayal are sure to shake up the lives of the teenagers who attend them. Like any other high school, gossip gets around faster than you can whisper it and rumors will fly. Thankfully, to catch it all, there’s even an anonymous gossip account posting it all online. What will happen when a school of kids who are constantly trying to be perfect mixes with a school of kids who are nothing but they’re unforgivingly weird selves? And where will you fit in?

    G R A D E S

    Freshman: 14 to 15 years old.
    Sophomores: 15 to 16 years old.
    Juniors: 16 to 17 years old.
    Seniors: 17 to 18 years old.

    In this RPG, we'll focus on the upperclassmen. Which means the juniors and seniors. This RPG will start in the summer of 2015, which is around augustus. I hope this'll make it easier to calculate your character's age!


    Rosewood Prep Cliques
    • A-list
    • Wannabe's
    • Jocks

    Shining Stars Arts Academy Cliques
    • Art students
    • Music students
    • Theater students
    • Writing students
    • Video Production/Photography Students

    S O C I A L      M E D I A

    GossipGirl's Links
    Twitter — Click

    Character's Social Media

    R U L E S

    Schoolrules: -moet nog worden vertaald-
    — Als je afwezig bent, 1 dag van te voren afmelden, doe je dit niet dan moet je al je uren 2 keer inhalen
    — Te laat komen is het uur inhalen in je vrije tijd.
    — Vernieling van andermans bezittingen is ten strengste verboden.
    —Pesten van zowel leraren als leerlingen is verboden en wordt zwaar gestraft.
    — Het gebruiken, verkopen of bijdragen van verdovende middelen, alcohol of sigaretten op het school terrein is ten strenge verboden.
    — Minimaal 200 woorden, dit lijkt mij vrij haalbaar.
    — Maximaal 2 personages waarvan minimaal een mannelijk.
    — Bestuur alleen je eigen personage tenzij je toestemming hebt van je medespelers.
    — Alleen ik, xVeertje, open nieuwe topics, tenzij anders vermeldt.
    — OOC (out of character) tussen haakjes of in het praattopic.
    — 16 + is toegestaan, don't go overboard tho.
    — Geen Mary/Gary Sue's, elk personage heeft flaws.
    — Reserveringen blijven 4 dagen staan, en vervallen daarna tenzij je voor uitstel hebt gevraagd.
    — Meld het als je een tijdje niet kan reageren, daar wordt zeker begrip voor getoond.
    — Graag proberen je Engels zo goed mogelijk te behersen in de RPG, ik kan het natuurlijk ook niet perfect, maar een beheersing van de Engelse taal is handig.

    C H A R A C T E R S

    Name —
    Age —
    Grade —
    Social class —
    Social media —
    Personality —
    Appearance —
    Family —
    Relationships —
    Extra —

    Name - Player - Class - Grade - Faceclaim - Page
    Women [5/5] Tijdelijke stop!
    [R]• Kayla Roselie Pierson • xVeertje • Theater student • Junior • Danielle Campbell • 1.2
    • Candice Aylinn Desjardins • Camhanaich • A-list • Senior • Alexis Ren • 1.2
    [R]• ? • Rigel • A-list • ? • Elsa Hosk • 1.
    [R]• ? • Velaris • ? • ? • ? • 1.
    [R]• ? • Vices • ? • ? • ? • 1.

    Waiting list -

    Men [3/5]
    [R]• Charles Flynn O'Neill • xVeertje • Music student • Senior • Douwe Bob Posthuma • 1.2
    [R]• ? • Lost_Girl • Writing student • ? • ? • 1.2
    [R]• ? • Oneira • Jock • ? • ? • 1

    Waiting list -

    T H E      L I N K S

    Talktopic — NOT OPEND.
    Playtopic — NOT OPENED.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 mei 2016 - 11:00 ]

    kip is lekker daarom heet ik drumstick

    ik schrijf me ook uit aangezien er hier toch niks meer gaat gebeuren

    i tried to buy your pretty heart, but the price too high


    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Kan ik hieraan nog meedoen?

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Hier ga ik eens over nadenken ^^

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Ik denk dat dit momenteel nog niet door zal gaan en ik wil misschien later nog eens het proberen met deze RPG. Momenteel heb ik niet de tijd en zin (sinds ik bloedarmoede heb en een of andere infectie) om een RPG te kunnen 'leiden'.

    Het spijt mij mensen!

    kip is lekker daarom heet ik drumstick

    -> Slotje op aanvraag

    I am an idiot, I move.