16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever had a moment when you saw something strange? Something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in that stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who can. They see the monsters, they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this ain't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolve-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in there way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolve, they all have the same question.
    Who is hunting who?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Marthe ~ Jensen ~ Helias Albright/Atlas Hunter
    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne Madison
    Lene ~Seb ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren "Theo"
    Cheryl ~ Amberle ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston "Cath"

    Marthe ~ Jensen ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman
    Xanthe ~ Midorima ~ Clarkson James Ackerman-Raeken "Clark"

    Lene ~ Seb ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern
    Cheryl ~ Amberle ~ Caleb Caldwell

    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson "Leila"
    Marthe ~ Jensen ~ Emmeline Mia Penderghast
    Lene ~ Seb ~ Thea Ellis Penderghast
    Gabriëlle ~ Masquerades ~ Isla Bronwen Penderghast

    It's the 9th or the 10th of October, I have no idea atm, but it's saturday morning and the sun is shining. It seems to be a nice day, until Fox shall decide to have a meeting. Y'all know the thing ^^

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.


    “You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed."

          Cat always had a difficult time picking out victims, especially if they hadn't really done anything wrong. Eventhough she wouldn't kill the person, she still felt guilty. In the end she decided she should just pick one. She sneaked closer to the building and when she was sure none of the other woodcutters were around, she knocked out the first person she saw, a man who looked like he was in his thirties.'Sorry,' she mumbled. He was twice her size, but thanks to her vampirism, she could easily drag him behind the building. Without it, she probably wouldn't be able to move the man even one inch.
          She had only just dragged her victim behind the building, when she saw that Theo had his hands around someone's neck. And that neck belonged to Thorne. Before she could do anything, Thorne already freed himself from Theo. Thorne's angry words made her nervous for Theo. She knew he could save himself, but she didn't want him to get hurt in any kind of way. Ever. So, before the two of them could go at it again, Cat moved forward and positioned herself in between them.
          'No one is killing anyone here!' She looked at the dead man behind Theo, who was probably his victim. She saw Theo raising his eyebrows and she rolled her eyes. 'Oh shut up, you know what I mean,' she mumbled and she turned to Thorne, who looked hungry. 'Do you want mine?' she asked him, and she gestured to the man who was still laying unconsciously on the ground. 'I don't mind, I can find another one.'


          'Hannibal and I have something in common,' Leila laughed with an amused glinstering in her eyes. 'We both don't like listening to you,' she continued with a grin on her lips. 'And you can get both of us excited. In different ways though, thank god. Otherwise you would be a pretty disturbing person.' She stuck out her tongue to him and quickly stepped away when he tried to poke her in her side. 'But just a sandwich is fine. Not around here though, they only sell crap sandwiches here.'

          About ten minutes later they found a little shop that sold to-go sandwiches. Leila shook her head when Fox asked what she wanted. 'Just a coffee, I'm not hungry.' She rolled her eyes when she saw the look that he gave her. 'It's nothing, Fox, I'm really not hungry. So just a coffee.' He looked at her for a couple of seconds and then let out a big sigh, probably realising that she wasn't going to indulge. She smiled triumphantly when he just ordered a coffee for her.
          When the counterguy handed Leila her coffee, she saw him glancing at bandages around her hands. His eyes met hers and he quickly looked away. 'I will wait outside for you,' Leila muttered to Fox and before he could protest, she already walked out of the door. She was irritated with herself. She thought she had managed to put those stupid thoughts aside, but they were coming back. She definitely needed to let out frustrations somewhere today. Probably go to the gym, take it out on a punchingbag. Not Fox's gym though, since that was mostly managed by other werewolves of the pack and she didn't want them to call Fox and tell him that she was going all kinds of crazy on some punchingbag. Besides, she knew her ex worked in the gym on Saturdays and she definitely didn't want to run into him. No thank you.

          It was not long before Fox came out of the shop, a sandwich in his hand, and they started walking again.
          'How long do I have to keep these stupid bandages?' she asked him. 'I don't like them at all, people look at me like I am crazy,' she mumbled.


    No words can explain the way I'm missing you

          Caleb just shrugged at the girl's comment. She didn't say it as a compliment anyway, but whatever. It was not like he did it to impress her, he did it to help the little kid, which in his eyes was more important than impressing a girl. Although, it was always nice when those things could be combined. However, he didn't know for sure of course, whether she was impressed by it. Not that he cared about that. Not really at least, only if that would help with letting her trust him.
          'Maybe you just know the wrong guys,' he grinned, while he made a mental not for himself that he shouldn't forget to call Tony, in case the little boy would show up. 'Anyway, I hardly couldn't stop. If an old lady falls and hurts herself, you also stop and help them right? So why not stop for a little kid when he falls and hurt himself? To me, someone should stop for both of those things. And yeah, maybe his mom will think I am a pedophile, which I am not, but whatever, at least the kid will be okay.' Of course, he had more reasons for helping little Billy, but he wasn't about to tell her that. That was too personal.

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 jan 2016 - 21:24 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    [ \(^o^)/ (wbw) \(^o^)/ ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Theodore Zachariah Wren
    — Vampire, Colony —

    Before the dead body of the man even dropped to the floor Theo felt a new presence and he didn't have to turn around to know it wasn't Cat, nor was it human. At inhuman speed he turned around and pushed the other person half against the tree, with his hands around his or her neck. The other person, a guy it seemed, was faster, though and managed to get a hold of himself and the situation before Theo could kill him.
          "Do I want to die? What's your problem, man?" Before his anger could take over Cat interrupted. But instead of calming her down, she only made him angrier. "Fuck no. He can piss off, honestly," Theo said looking frustrated from Cat to the other vampire. He knew he wasn't acting very... grown-up, but he'd always hated people sneaking up on him and it always triggered something in him.
          When Theo managed to calm down again he looked at the other man, not even a man — a boy, didn't look older than sixteen, though Theo knew that that didn't mean anything in the life of a vampire — and shook his head. "Who are you anyway?" He was pretty sure he knew every vampire in the Colony, although he and Cat didn't live with the Colony, and even if he didn't know them he'd at least seen them once. But this vampire, this boy, didn't look familiar at all. "Are you one of those newbies Daelyn talked about?"

    kindness is never a burden.


    • • •

    Werewolf | Mariston Pack | Bèta | Outfit

    Thea's smile weakened a little when the guy made the comment about the wrong guys. "I suppose you're right," she answered. She didn't really know who she was thinking of when he spoke the words. She'd dated a few guys over the years, but none of them stayed longer than a month. But then of course there had been that tall, handsome werewolf with the cute name before her parents died. As quickly as his image popped up in her mind, she let it go again, refusing to think about him.
          "Of course I would help an old lady," she said. "But I think there are a lot of children who fall down and can get up without your or mine or anyone's help. An old lady could die." She laughed at his joke. "If the mom thinks you're a pedophile, just call me and I'll prove her wrong."
          She came to a halt when they arrived at the entrance where she'd started her run. "I should be going now." She said I pointed to the gated. "This has been a nice run and a nice talk with great company, but I have other places to be, unfortunately." She turned off the music that had been playing in one ear during the second half of the run. "I'll see you tomorrow at 10 at HuggaMug and don't you dare stand me up again, because I won't be so forgiving." She said with half a smile, which implied she was joking. Well, at least about the standing up part. If he would do it, she wouldn't forgive him.
          She smiled at him one last time, remembering she still didn't know his name, but kind of liking the mystery of that and then turned her back to him, leaving the park and heading back to the camp.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern.
    — Hunter, Outcasts —

    Vester raised an eyebrow. She wanted a haircut? First of all, why didn't she just ask one of her girl friends to go for a whole makeover. First she wants a haircut, next she wants a matching outfit. And second of all, it wasn't like he knew any hairdressers in Greenstone. His hair wasn't exactly what he'd call a priority. The first thing he did when he moved here, was search the internet to see where they sold guns and then where they sold the other goodies. Not freaking hairdressers. Though he didn't say any of that to Isla.
          He wondered if she was cold when they left his shitty hotel. He was wearing jeans and a jacket, but she'd just left the room with bare legs and a thin jacket. It was October and she walked around like it was a hot summer night. "If you freeze to death," Vester said as he finished his cigarette and then put his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "It's not my fault." He grinned. He started walking, thinking that Isla would probably follow him if she wanted to.
          "I don't know. All corners look the same," he answered. "I'll know when I see it." He didn't want to sound so blunt, or maybe he did. Vester raised an eyebrow. "Van Helsing? What makes you think I'm that cliché? Abraham Van Helsing was created to mock the race of Hunters. He was—" before he could go on, she interrupted him and nearly dragged him across the street. "What the hell was that supposed to mean?" He asked, feeling slightly attacked but when he noticed the look on Islas face he frowned. "Are you okay?" He followed her look and noticed her looking in the direction of a few other people. "What are you looking at?" His hand grabbed the handle of knife he had hidden in the back of his leather jacket.

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 jan 2016 - 16:49 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    [Midorima > Ginoza]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Isla Bronwen Penderghast

          Isla had a gift for not looking like she paid any attention to the things happening around her — when she really did. Especially if they talked to her, and of course Vester did. Going on about if she was cold, that he wasn't responsible for her, van Helsing. She only stopped looking like a startled rabbit when she noticed he had sensed the change as well. The somewhat worrisome tone in his voice made her relax instantly. Isla assumed she had shaken Jet for now — even though knowing that he was around made her feel sick in the stomach. Picking up the track to his earlier words, she nodded.
          'I'm fine. And no — I won't freeze to death because I'm naturally hot.' As an example, she lifted her hand and patted his cheek. He wasn't cold nor hot. 'I thought I saw a cat,' she lied, because she actually hated the creatures, and then almost sighed out of relief as she noticed the little filmstore he was talking about earlier. 'Let's go, princess.' She stepped away, redeemed her heart a bit, and then walked inside to find anything a lousy place like Greenstone should offer. Scanning the racks with her eyes she thought about Jet, and his claws and she swore she almost felt the scar on her side burn. Clenching a DVD before she'd hit something, Isla read the back of the old horror movie. It had been ages since she last saw something. Living in the woods, in camps, wasn't as exciting as one would think. Sometimes she missed a place she could call home; a real house, with a real life. Rolling her eyes as far as she could, she held the DVD up.
          'If I buy this, I'm going to watch it on your tv. And I'll let you watch if you must, too.' She negotiated, even though she had already decided she would. It was quite hot inside; which caused her to want to go back out as soon as possible.
          'Can I help you, miss?' She raised one eyebrow at the king of nerds behind his counter. The pimples on his face, his unwashed hair and the wrinkled uniform weren't what you would call attractive. She sent him a short smile, dropping the DVD in his hands. Isla hadn't figured out yet if he was afraid that she'd steal something, or if he wanted her number. Neither would be perfectly fine for her.
          'I think this would be all for me. At least. . . Do you recommend something,' she read his namecard and grinned, 'Carl?' His cheeks flushed red, nodding twice as he made his way through the store. Isla leaned back on the counter, studying his calculated moves as Carl snatched a DVD from it's rack. Still red, he returned. He handed her a cover that said Sinister. It was not an old one, which made sure she hadn't seen it.
          Carl took the money she handed him, almost dropped a few coins as he gave back the change. The DVD's formed a package on the counter, waiting for whatever Vester was going to come up with.
          'Are you stuck in the romance section, princess?' She raised her voice just a tat, because she knew that Vester would perfectly hear her.

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.


    He had a little smile on his face, eventhough he still felt emberassed about the dog. On the other hand, he didn't mind thinking about getting Leila - or any pretty, non-related girl if he was completely honest - excited. Yes, he really liked recalling the previous night. It was a real shame it had ended in a mess - and not a pretty one. He sighed. He was way to tired to deal with this kind of problems already. He imagined telling his sister about his morning.
    "Oh, I woke up, heard some screams, got angry, banished a guy from the pack and got me a sandwich. Nothing all too abnormal." Freya would probably look unimpressed and say something like "Same."
    He didn't smile thinking about his sister, as he still felt the hurt and anger she had caused the previous night. And the worry. He just took out his phone to ask if she was still alive, when he got some other text messages from the morning patrole.
    "A couple of hours until the wounds have closed properly, you little whiner," he said playfully, but with a serious undertone. He gave Leila a soft smile, eventhough he was surprised he could smile like that in his current mood. He winked and looked back at his phone.


    The text wasn't very long, since the patrolers used small, cheap phones, as they often lost them when they had to change. If Fox would buy them a smartphone every time, he would have been ruined in the first half year of his leadership.
    "You know, one day I'm going to starve to death, because I don't ever get the chance to eat properly. I mean, have you seen me?" he started complaining. "These muscles really need a lot of fuel to kee^p being awesome, you know!" He sighed and received another punch from Leila, though it didn't hurt him at all. He smile at her, until it faded away and gave her the leash. Hannibal noticed instantly and started whining. Fox shot her a look, which managed to get her quiet, but she definitely did not look happy. Neither did Leila, as she knew he was going to leave her already.
    "I'm sorry, but I need to check out some things in the woods. No, you can't come with me," he said even before she could ask him. He knew her all too well. "You need to have a nice day off, with no obligations and no worries. I'll come back afterwards. I don't think it'll take very long." He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and petted his dog, before leaving the two of them behind. He sent a quick text COMING back.
    He started jogging towards the woods, trying to eat the sandwich, although about half of it fell on the ground. When he finally reached the first trees, he slowed down. With trained movements, he took a small gun out of his boots and took off the safety pin. There were three reasons why Fox preferred guns above changing. First of all, he had more experience with guns - although that wouldn't be for long. Secondly, it was less risky, since it was easier to explain to have a gun than being a giant, nightmarelike wolf - he also could keep his clothes on. And last but not least; it was a lot faster and cleaner to kill someone or something with a bullet than with his teeth.
    When he was done preparing his gun, and he kept it close, but loosely against his leg, the three patroling Packmembers had found him. They explained what they had found and Fox didn't need much time to decide to go alone. He ordered them to continue their shift and started to run. He concentrated on his senses, while the trees flashed by. After a while, he could smell the scent he was warned about. It wasn't human. With a growl, he accelerated. There were no strange wolves on his - their - territory, but they had been there before. He hoped for them they were long gone, but as the scent grew stronger, he knew at least one person was close by. It was a woman and she was wearing a parfum that triggered something inside him, although he couldn't put a finger on it.
    "You shouldn't be here," he said with a clear voice, as he faced the back of the female werewolf. He hadn't pointed his gun at her... yet.

    (It's Thea, if that's all right.)


    He instantly recognized the young looking woman as someone who'd once helped him. The fact he knew he liked her, helped him cool down and his anger flew away rather quickly, although the hunger just kept growing. He scratched his neck again and wanted to tell her he'd hunt for himself and she didn't need to be bothered by him, the guy spoke. Thorne's sixteen years old mind decided he did not like the guy one bit. He wouldn't mind a little fight, since he had a strong feeling he was at least three times as old as the guy. He noticed it by the way the guy tried to stay in the shadow just a little too much. He was convinced he'd win, eventhough he was a lot smaller and had less muscles.
    He also didn't like the word newbie, which caused him not to answer. He recognized the name Daelyn, from a message he'd received some time ago, when he was still in Europe. It had been an invitation to join her and blablabla... He hadn't listened to the guy reading the message to him, because he hadn't been interested. Now he wished he had.
    He looked aternately at the two vampires in front of him - one actually being a lot smaller than him, Thank Goodness - before deciding to answer one of the questions.
    "My name is Thorne," he said with the most neutral voice he could produce. "And yours is, if I recall correctly, Cat?" he asked the girl. He noticed, while talking, his teeth didn't turn back to human norms anymore. Thorne cursed mentally, since he was a vampire with fully changing teeth. Not only his canines turned into razorsharp killingmachines, no, every tooth in his mouth transformed into a long, almost needlelike weapon. Luckily, he could still close his mouth, but he started to think about accepting Cat's offer.

    (Didn't feel like doing fancy atm. I hope it doesn't bother anyone. I'm still thinking about Ava, thus she'll come later. I also opened another English RPG about werewolves, thus you can always take a look ^^)

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern.
    — Hunter, Outcasts —

    Vester rolled his eyes. "Of course you are," he answered her 'naturally hot' comment. "Oh, is the little pup scared of kitty cats?" Though he didn't believe that it was just a cat that had made her go nuts, he let go of the knife he was holding and dropped his hand. They entered the film store (Vester ignored her princess comment) and as he immediately walked over to the gaming section, she scanned the racks with movies. He didn't exactly know what he was looking for. Maybe the new Call of Duty game for less than 30 dollars, but he knew that wouldn't happen, so in the end he settled for some second hand horror game and walked over to Isla who was holding what was possible the worst horror movie ever. "You can try, little pup," he answered, as his eyes went over the titles starting with the letter K. "But I don't think you'll get far without a dvd-player, which I obviously don't have. However," he continued without looking up. "I was planning on... borrowing one from this douchebag who still owes me money, so I suppose you can watch it at my place, if you have the patience to wait."
          He raised an eyebrow when the guy behind the counter asked them something. Or rather asked Isla something. He couldn't help but grin when the guy turned red. When he finished the horror movies section, he walked over to thrillers and action movies, but he'd already seen most of them.
          He rolled his eyes when Isla spoke. "You get funnier by the minute." He walked over to her, just as she was buying her dvd's (two horrible horror movies). "That's the best movie you can recommend? Really? Sinister sucked balls, man." Vester looked the guy behind the counter annoyed in the eye. The dude shot him an offended look.
          "Hey, that movie rocked!" Vester threw his game on the counter together with 20 bucks. "Compared to Carrie, sure, but are you forgetting the classics like Jaws or The Shining or even The Conjuring."
          "Those movies are old, man. And not scary at all." Vester took the change, looking at the guy in disbelief. "You have no respect for horror movies whatsoever if you think that they only have to be scary as fuck to be good." He turned to Isla. "Let's go." Vester had only barely left the store, or a cigarette was already dangling between his teeth. He hated people like that and what bothered him the most is that Isla actually paid for that shitty movie. He didn't understand why he got so worked up about it, but the taste of nicotine helped him calm down. "Dickhead. They should fire him. I'm so annoyed you actually paid for that crap." He took a deep breath. "Whatever. What now?"

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 feb 2016 - 23:33 ]

    kindness is never a burden.


    • • •

    Werewolf | Mariston Pack | Bèta | Outfit

    When Thea arrived back at camp, she immediately went to her tent to freshen up and get changed. She was happy to be able to wear comfy, warm clothes again, because last night she'd been cold in her skirt and running clothes only kept you warm when you were actually running. Her warm sweater and her big coat were a happy welcome, as well as her white Adidas Superstars. She left her tent (but not before she'd strapped a knife to her leg and placed a handgun in her waistband) and called for Thomas, who told her Isla still hadn't returned. This worried Thea, but since she'd already heard from her sister (through a text) she at least knew Isla was still alive. "When Isla gets back, tell her she's grounded," she told the other werewolf. "And if you see Mia, tell her I need to talk to her. I'm going to check the perimeter."
          She left camp with steady steps and walked deeper into the forest until she couldn't see any lights or hear any sounds of the camp anymore. And then she began her patrol. She liked to patrol herself, or rather check to see if there were any changes in the environment. That way it's easier to notice a threat coming their way or whether their hideout was still safe or not.
          She smelled him before she saw him. The scent triggered a warning in her head, so she took some cover under a big bush. When he spoke, his voice was familiar. It had been a long time since she'd heard that voice and she hadn't expected to hear it again in this lifetime. It triggered a memory in her mind. A departure, a heartbreak. She came out of the bushes to face him.
          "Fox? Long time no see, I suppose," she said rather careful. Her eyes flashed to the gun in his hand, which wasn't pointed at her, but he seemed to hold it very tightly. Looking at him made her feel sick in her stomach, but only slightly. It had been a while, so she got over it, all of it, yet this... this was so unexpected. He looked like he hadn't aged a day, which was impossible of course. Still the tall, handsome man he'd been at 19. She realized she was just standing there, looking confused at him, so she straightened her back, placed a hand on the gun (she would shoot him if necessary) and spoke with a clear, steady voice: "If you're here to shoot me for trespassing,because this is your territory isn't it?" Why else would he be here with a gun, she asked herself rhetorically. "Maybe you should just do it already because I'm not leaving."

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2016 - 20:01 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    [Ginoza is now Daiki]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman

    "Good thing I know what your footsteps sound like, then," Freya retorted grumpily. She turned to him with a radiant smile, though - and then threw her spoon at him. "You shouldn't underestimate me, dearest cousin." She got up from her chair and pulled her spoon out of the wall, since she had thrown it rather hard and of course he had managed to avoid it. Her aim had been off as well, but she was hoping he hadn't noticed. Knowing Clark, he probably had.
          She looked up at him and ignored his last question. She stared back at her bowl of cereal with a pensive look on her face.
          "Actually," she said, with a drag in her voice, "I just decided that I'm not hungry and that I should take a shower because my hair is greasy and I stink and that's no fun for either of us." Her grin was sheepish this time around, and she quickly made her way around her partner in an attempt to run up the stairs and lock herself up in the bathroom. The spoon was still clutched tightly in her hand.

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 feb 2016 - 23:03 ]


    Theodore Zachariah Wren
    — Vampire, Colony —

    Thorne? The name didn't ring a bell, though it could be a pseudonym, yet Theo decided once and for all that he didn't know the vampire. He raised an eyebrow when the boy knew Cat's name. So they knew each other then. Theo turned to face Cat and crossed his arms. He shot her a look that said: "You have two minutes to explain what the hell is going on before I rip this dude's throat out." He had no idea how Cat could know this guy, without Theo knowing him as well, since they'd barely been apart for nearly two centuries.

    [This is like ubershort, but I literally have no idea what to write.]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Isla Bronwen Penderghast

          Isla missed out on the little chat between Vester and Carl — only to find herself outside, next to a pumped up Vester. She couldn't help but chuckle as he moaned about the pity seller. Life had cursed poor Carl way harsher than any of them ever could.
          'Frankly I don't really care,' she mumbled, lighting herself a cigarette before taking a good look around. 'Since I got my money back on forehand.' Shrugging she showed him the paper dollars she'd taken from Carl te moment he hurried past her. Blonde Isla wasn't that blonde. 'So don't sweat it, pretty boy.' Pushing a hand through her hair, she took a good drag of smoke to concentrate on the street they were standing in. Getting a hair cut with Vester being Vester wouldn't be a succes. But dealing with yet another guy that would try to sell her crap. . . She didn't like that, either.
          'It's too early to get wasted, to late to sleep. . .' She sighed. Her life was pretty sad, if you came to think those were her highs. The lows, on the other hand, would mean other Werewolfs, Jet, and behaving like a goody two shoes in her tent back at the camp. It was then her eyes caught sight of the small tattoo shop opposite the street.
          'How about a game of truth or dare? I'd love to know the person I'm hanging with to make sure he isn't a complete psychopath.' Isla grinned, even though she could be dead serious about it too. 'You can start, and since I know what you'd ask about truth; I'm going with dare.' Her eyes locked in his, she thought that he wouldn't come up with something too bad. It was not like she was a whining little bitch. But the fact that he probably knew that she wasn't easily shocked made that she somehow prepared for a bigger dare than she initially intended.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 feb 2016 - 19:19 ]

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.


    “You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed."

          She nodded at Thorne when he asked if her name was Cat. Even though she was a vampire as well, she thought that Thorne looked a little bit scary, with all of his teeth being lang and sharp, instead of just his fangs. It was a bit of a weird side, since he looked so young. Young as in appearance, not in years.
          She hoped that Theo would just calm down, it wouldn't be smart to start a fight here, where the other humans roaming around here could easily find them and the bodies that lay a few feet behind them. Cat didn't want the other humans to get hurt, just because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
          Theo didn't seem to like it that she knew Thorne and that he didn't. She rolled her eyes when the look in his eyes obviously said that he wanted an explanation. What did he expect? That after twohunderd years, she only knew people he also knew? She felt very much like not telling Theo how she knew Thorne, that would probably just make him angry and she didn't want the two of them ripping each other's throat out.
          'I helped him once in the supermarket. He was looking for something and couldn't find it, so I helped him.' That wasn't exactly how it happened, but Theo didn't know that and she wasn't about to tell Theo that she was helping Thorne because he couldn't read. He would definitely bully him with that and that would only make the situation worse.
          She shot a quick glance at the human she knocked out. She didn't know for how long he would stay unconcious. 'Are you two done fighting now? If yes, let's go feed and leave. Otherwise you can fight it out somewhere else,' she said, while crossing her arms.

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered