• Hier gaat ons spelletje gewoon verder ja? ^^
    Ashlee = Isabeau

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Elisa: *loopt naar binnen en probeert de kachel aan te steken* Shiit, het lukt niet :( Ryan wil je komen helpen? *kijkt ryan lief aan*

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Maar kmoet gaan ,, duits gaan leren --" Bye lieve schatt! ^^

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Ik ben ook weg xD :P
    (K) latorzz <33

    Crack a bottle

    Ryan: dag liefje xD

    Life is hard and then we die

    Samm is terugg!

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Samm @ Ryan: wat heb ik allemaal gemist.

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Elisa: Ik ga juist weg. :( Doei Samm, doeg lieford! x

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Samm@ Elisa; Jammer! naja, tot zo denk ik!! Ciaao! xx!

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Ryan@Sam: heeeey sam :D

    Life is hard and then we die

    Samm@ Ryan: Kom we gaan wat leuks doen! ik verveel me man!

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Elisa: had geen zin om duits te blokken en is teruggekeerd ^^

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Elisa @ Samm: Oww, doen jullie maar iets leuwks, ga ik mijn duits dan toch gaan blokken --"

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Samm@Elisa: KOM TERUG JIJ! we gaan met zn 3en iets leuks doen!

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Samm@ Elisa; neee, wcht, ik heb een beter plan *flusitert in Elisa's oor* **wbw**

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Elisa: wiih ^^ Maaruh is Ryan niet weg? :(

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right