Een gedicht dat ik net heb geschreven over al mijn vrienden die al weg zijn gegaan. Afscheid nemen na vijf maanden in het buitenland te hebben gestudeerd is moeilijk. Er zijn geen tranen meer over maar des te meer emoties. Ik vind het niet een van mijn beste gedichten maar ik moet wat gevoel kwijt. De letters boven elke alinea duiden aan over wie het gaat - ik heb besloten niet hun hele namen op internet te zetten.
All they left me
- L
All she left me was her blanket and an endless silence
One last look before she went through security
- H
All he left me was his chocolate milk and teary eyes
He took the cab and waved his way out of here
- K
All she left me was a bag of pennies and an aching heart
Silently crying on the bus she disappeared from my life
- A
All he left me was one photo together and an empty sadness
With his backpack and a big smile he walked away
- M
All he left me was a drawing of a butterfly and pain in my chest
He tried to leave without a sound as if goodbyes didn’t exist
- E
All he left me was a last taste of his coffee and an cloudy mind
The car drove away taking his words and laughs with it.
- M
All he left me was a strain of tears on my shoulder and deep sorrow
Sobbing and shaking at his front door was when I last saw him
- S
All he left me was the promise of a big brother and a lack of company
Last hugs on an afterparty and then he was gone
- C
All he left me was the feel of his trousers on my skin and too many feelings
The clicking sound of the door of his room and a soft laugh was the end
Zij zingen, nijgen naar elkaar en kussen, geenszins om liefde, maar om de sublieme momenten en het sentiment daartussen.