Ik vond deze website. Typ je naam in en zie wat eruit komt. Ik ben benieuwd of er bij jullie wat van klopt.
(Helaas staan niet alle namen erin).
Means Christmas Day. A Natascha is a beautiful girl whom others are envious. Almost angel like, the boys can't help but be attracted to her beauty and soft heart. Usually hated by the other women because of their jealousy, she becomes a target of slander by the girls. Sweet, caring, intelligent and witty a Natascha is sure to brighten your day. A Natascha is always good at making love and is the perfect mate. Born with a natural ability to draw others to her, she is definitely a leader and will always be successful despite the haters that cross her path.
Haha oké, ik ben niet bepaald wonderschoon, maar ik vind het toch wel een grappige site die ik even wilde delen. :'p
Every villain is a hero in his own mind.