• The Nightclub!

    Life doesn't stop for anybody. And neither does the melody's and the beats of the songs. Come join us and get lost in the music. The night is still young. Make sure you're best dressed, but not too overdone. We're gonna live it up. Take a drink and party until the sun rises. We are the nightclub. Who says being awake at night is lonely? When the sun goes down, make sure you're ready to party like we're forever young.

    The Guest list.
    Galilea • Gail • Smirnoff-vodka • 18 •
    Soe • Sylvie • Kinderchampagne • 20 •
    Debbaut • Jarne • Politie-inspecteur • 15 •
    Felis • Erieka • Smirnoff ice & WKD • 18 •
    Escapism • Yolanda • Colaberenburg • 17 •
    Novoselic • Lotta • Ice Tea • 12 •
    Avus • Saartje • Jillz • 16 •
    Barlliams • Kim • appelsap • 17 •
    Leshley • Jaimy • Passoa • 17 •
    Juanita • Aline • Appelsap • 14 •

    Song of the night: Laïs > OneRepublic-If I Lose Myself

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 aug 2014 - 21:37 ]

    [ bericht aangepast door een moderator op 14 aug 2014 - 4:09 ]

    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Escapism schreef:
    Ik lach met je mee. :'D
    En oke. Lol je hoefde FB toch niet aan te maken? x)

    Sociale druk n' shit. ^^

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Novoselic schreef:
    Sociale druk n' shit. ^^

    Haha oke. :p

    Doritos? c:

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Escapism schreef:

    Haha oke. :p

    Doritos? c:

    Here you go.

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Novoselic schreef:

    Here you go.

    THANK YOU! _O_

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Nu heb ik honger, rawr,

    'The best way to predict the future is to create it'.

    Nori schreef:
    Nu heb ik honger, rawr,

    *houdt de zak Doritos voor je*
    Wil je ook? :3

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Escapism schreef:

    *houdt de zak Doritos voor je*
    Wil je ook? :3

    Jaaaaa! :3

    'The best way to predict the future is to create it'.


    16 - 09 - '17

    Zo, Rutger maar eens betaald.*O*

    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Dit moet gewoon.


    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Lelijke clown

    16 - 09 - '17

    Soe schreef:
    Lelijke clown


    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Debbaut schreef:



    16 - 09 - '17

    Soe schreef:


    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!


    Dit topic is gesloten omdat het maximum van 300 berichten is bereikt

    16 - 09 - '17