• Want volgensmij was deze er nog niet.
    Mede doordat Gilinksy en Differences te veel spamde in een ander topic, wilden ze dit topic openen.
    Dussssss, join if you want, because we need more fangirls!

    Gabriëla // Gilinsky | Luke
    Lieke // Differences | Ashton
    Eva // Alterego | Luke
    Crystal // Sciathan
    Floor // Reject | Luke
    Noa // Jovantos | All
    Ruth // Hemford | Muke
    Jessica // IAmNotCute | Ashton
    Talita // Daeva | Calum
    Julia // Unsullied Lashton
    Miriam // Malley | Ashton
    Aline // Lipstein
    Merel // Hanaemi | Cake
    Julya // SunsetLover | Luke
    Aniek // Memoria | Ashton
    Naomi // AshtonIrwin Michael
    Lisa // Gojira | Michael
    Kim // Tuk | Cashton
    Tessa // Poods | Ashton
    Esmee // Yulan | Luke
    Marlijn // Ultimatum
    Marietje // Caverne

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 juni 2014 - 20:01 ]

    "It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart."

    Gaat ze weer... Obsessed. :')

    He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.

    En ja, ik heb je zien spammen in dat ene topic van middle earth, julia. :p

    He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.


    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about

    Ah, dit is echt een heel mooi stukje. <3

    Luke had seen Paranormal Activity 3 a few weeks before but he didn’t have the heart to tell Ashton that when he came in, all smiles and dimples and bright eyes. It was terrible. Possibly the worst of all the series so far, but if Ashton was prepared to watch a scary movie for Luke, he was prepared to watch a crappy one for Ashton. The result of this, however, was that Luke spent pretty much all of the movie looking at Ashton. The way his hair fell, sometimes slightly over his face when he ducked his head down during a 'scary' part. Or the way his arms curved, proving that Ashton was pretty much just muscle. And the dip in his back, leading Luke's gaze down, past his ass (not without a lingering look), and along his perfectly toned legs. Luke knew he was in love with Ashton. He felt everything the movies told him he should feel. He'd never been in love with anyone else and he never wanted to be. Ashton was the one. His one. He knew what he felt, but Ashton didn't. Ashton was aware Luke liked him (Luke hadn't told him about the love part yet), because Luke had told him. It was during one of their many cuddle sessions in a hotel room after they played a show. Although Luke was bigger, Ashton liked when Luke was the little spoon, and Luke did whatever Ashton wanted. Ashton's head was millimetres away from Luke's neck, gently breathing onto it regularly, making Luke shiver every time. It seemed like the perfect time.

    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about

    Michael heeft echt kleine handen :o

    AIterego schreef:
    En ja, ik heb je zien spammen in dat ene topic van middle earth, julia. :p

    Oh. Welk topic was dat ook al weer?
    Ik heb er samen met nog twee anderen zo'n 100 topic's doorheen gejast in zo'n 3 maanden.... Lol.

    "I'm in the mood for chaos." - Cheryl Blossom [Weggooiwashand --> Katalante]

    100 in 3 maanden? :o

    Lipstein schreef:
    Michael heeft echt kleine handen :o


    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about

    ilovelashton schreef:
    Ah, dit is echt een heel mooi stukje. <3

    Luke had seen Paranormal Activity 3 a few weeks before but he didn’t have the heart to tell Ashton that when he came in, all smiles and dimples and bright eyes. It was terrible. Possibly the worst of all the series so far, but if Ashton was prepared to watch a scary movie for Luke, he was prepared to watch a crappy one for Ashton. The result of this, however, was that Luke spent pretty much all of the movie looking at Ashton. The way his hair fell, sometimes slightly over his face when he ducked his head down during a 'scary' part. Or the way his arms curved, proving that Ashton was pretty much just muscle. And the dip in his back, leading Luke's gaze down, past his ass (not without a lingering look), and along his perfectly toned legs. Luke knew he was in love with Ashton. He felt everything the movies told him he should feel. He'd never been in love with anyone else and he never wanted to be. Ashton was the one. His one. He knew what he felt, but Ashton didn't. Ashton was aware Luke liked him (Luke hadn't told him about the love part yet), because Luke had told him. It was during one of their many cuddle sessions in a hotel room after they played a show. Although Luke was bigger, Ashton liked when Luke was the little spoon, and Luke did whatever Ashton wanted. Ashton's head was millimetres away from Luke's neck, gently breathing onto it regularly, making Luke shiver every time. It seemed like the perfect time.


    "I'm in the mood for chaos." - Cheryl Blossom [Weggooiwashand --> Katalante]

    Lipstein schreef:
    100 in 3 maanden? :o

    Ja.... Hehe. Erg he.
    We gingen van 7:00 's ochtends chatten tot 3:15 's nachts. Dat is namelijk de tijd dat Quizlet uitvalt :'D

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 juni 2014 - 20:22 ]

    "I'm in the mood for chaos." - Cheryl Blossom [Weggooiwashand --> Katalante]

    ilovelashton schreef:



    Unsullied schreef:

    Ja.... Hehe. Erg he.
    We gingen van 7:00 's ochtends chatten tot 3:15 's nachts. Dat is namelijk de tijd dat Quizlet uitvalt :'D

    Wowowowowow wat? Quizlet valt 's nachts uit?.

    Lipstein schreef:

    Wowowowowow wat? Quizlet valt 's nachts uit?.

    Wist je dat niet? Nog nooit zo lang op Q gezeten? :'D

    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about

    Lipstein schreef:

    Wowowowowow wat? Quizlet valt 's nachts uit?.

    Jepp. Van 3:15 tot 3:55 en dan doet ie het weer even en dan valt ie nog twee keer uit. Alleen ben ik even die tijden vergeten. Ik wist ze wel, maar ik heb al een tijdje niet meer de moeite genomen om dan wakker te blijven.

    "I'm in the mood for chaos." - Cheryl Blossom [Weggooiwashand --> Katalante]

    Ik vind mijn eigen hoofdstuk zielig :c

    Dit topic is gesloten omdat het maximum van 300 berichten is bereikt

    I don't want you to die, I want you to suffer.