Ik heb elke dag 1 of twee hoofdstukken. Zit veel spanning in mijn verhaal, mysteries en gewoon plezier!! 
Tis een Marvel gemixte story. Veel van Marvel door elkaar gemixt in een verhaal.
( Ik zie aan je pf dat je Maleficent hebt gezien? Die ben ik gister gaan kijken in de bios! Was het ZOOO waard!
Maargoed das ff irrelavant.
The Arrow of The Silver Dragon | The Avengers
See the Silver dragon
Soaring above the sky
Silver arrows shooting
Just as she flies by
Magestic silver dragon high up in the skies
How she shows her beauty as she flies
Oh so very high in the midnight black
Majestic beast oh please fly back
Breathing out the heavy fire
Eyes as blue as the bluest sapphire
Flapping her gracious wings before depart
The silver dragons with a golden heart
Started at 17 May 2014.
o Written in Dutch,
sometimes spoken in English.
o It's fiction, not based on reality.
o Meer verschillende Marvel dan alleen Avengers
o It would be great if you take an abo!
o Like my story? really appreciate if you would recommend to others
o By: Laleah
[ bericht aangepast op 31 mei 2014 - 16:38 ]
Hard Work. Good-hearted. Loyalty. And Fair Play: I'm a Hufflepuff In Every Single Way.