• Welcome to Stroardinario, where life is a circus!


    lekker praten!

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 april 2014 - 16:38 ]

    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!


    16 - 09 - '17


    "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times.. if one only remembers.. to turn on the light." —Albus Dumbledo

    Ik heb zin in deze rpg! (:

    16 - 09 - '17

    Ik hoop dat iedereen er zin in heeft.:'D

    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Mt ^^

    Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic. - Jefferson (ouat)

    Toch niet vandaag, te weinig inspiratie, kan mijn ''zoon'' anders niet afkomen?(:

    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!

    Het is jammer dat de rpg zo stil is..

    16 - 09 - '17

    Ik wacht momenteel op n reactie van Roku xd

    Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic. - Jefferson (ouat)