• [ bericht aangepast op 19 feb 2014 - 15:42 ]

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Keaton schreef:


    'I've got the scars from tomorrow, and I wish you could see, you're the antidote to everything except for me.'

    Meneer was plassen.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Dit advies ga ik opvolgen. HAHAHAHA.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Ik kan er echt niet tegen als ze halfnaakt op het podium staan met een beetje heel erg veel slet uit hun topje hangend. Nee, fuck off. Niemand wil dat zien.

    'I've got the scars from tomorrow, and I wish you could see, you're the antidote to everything except for me.'

    Daarbij klinkt ze heel erg hees.

    'I've got the scars from tomorrow, and I wish you could see, you're the antidote to everything except for me.'

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Ik denk erover na om hier een break te gaan nemen, hmh ..

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 feb 2014 - 22:44 ]

    That is a perfect copy of reality.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Keaton schreef:

    Wat is er met Zayns wang? o-o

    That is a perfect copy of reality.

    'my dad is a cop and i just called him and he was like “hey i have a 17 year old boy in the back of my cop car right now that i’m running him to the station” and i asked if he was cute and my dad said “Hey, my daughter wants to know if you’re cute” and the guy said “i want to say yes, sir” and my dad started laughing so fucking hard.'

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Demi, why?

    'I've got the scars from tomorrow, and I wish you could see, you're the antidote to everything except for me.'

    Lorum schreef:

    Wat is er met Zayns wang? o-o

    Jukbeenderen en vacuum zuigen. HAHAHAHA.

    Danmarks Dynamite.

    Danmarks Dynamite.