• Welkom in het Percy Jackson Fantopic!

    Wie Percy Jackson?

    Naam: Perseus 'Percy' Jackson
    Zoon van Poseidon
    Innerlijke Kenmerken: Geboren leider, dapper, vol van geest, sarcastische en intelligente zin van humor, beheerste uitstraling, 'heldere' momenten
    Zwakheid: Hij is loyaal aan zijn vrienden, hij zou zijn leven geven om zijn vrienden te redden van de ondergang.
    Uiterlijke kenmerken: Warrig zwart haar, zeegroene ogen, afgetraind
    Gaven en begaafdheden: Percy heeft ADHD en dyslexie, hij kan water sturen en heeft een empathie link met Grover, een Satyr.
    'Huisdieren': Een pegasus genaamd Blackjack en een hellehond genaamd Mrs. O'Leary
    In relatie met: Annabeth Chase

    Wapen: Riptide
    In de films gespeeld door: Logan Lerman
    Een voorstelling (made by Viria on Tumblr):

    GhostKing • Xanthe
    Sphinkx • Marlijn
    Fullmetal • Marthe
    Phyre • Amber
    Bombalurina • Anouk
    Days • Noek
    IsA20 • Isa
    Gysserae • Meike
    Gaea • Tara

    Natuurlijk mag hier over de hele serie gepraat worden! (anders zou ik het topic niet geopend hebben)

    Naamsveranderingen doorgeven please!

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 nov 2013 - 16:58 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Papapaaaaam^ Oeeeew. :3

    •*• Lululu •*•

    Ik moet gaan leren dus ja. :')

    •*• Lululu •*•

    Omy, I love it!! <3

    "Look, I Didn't Want to be a Half-Blood."

    PJO/Avatar crossovers are the best.


    Gysserae - Auvrea

    Ik heb eindelijk mijn trailer af voor mijn aankomende nieuwe PJ verhaal :'D

    "Look, I Didn't Want to be a Half-Blood."

    Man, ik ben hier echt te lang niet meer geweest!
    enne, IsA20 --> xBoselfje


    Voor de gene die alvast Het huis van Hades willen lezen, ik heb hem online in het Engels gevonden:
    The House of Hades.
    Auvrae - Chrysaor

    "Look, I Didn't Want to be a Half-Blood."

    Oh btw de naam Gaea is Capaldi geworden,

    "Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies."


    •*• Lululu •*•

    Fullmetal - Teresa


    Starckey -> Mallory. ^^

    •*• Lululu •*•

    Can you do a fic where Annabeth cheats on Percy and he is really conflicted about what to do because of his fatal flaw being loyaly and him still wanting to be loyal to her and all that nonsense.


    Percy’s back slid down against his door. The constant rapping on the wood from the other side was giving a headache. He needed to be alone, he needed to be away from her. She was the reason he was in fits. She was the reason behind his undoing. It was her fault.

    "Percy, please." She cried from the other side, "Percy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I swear it.

    He tried to shut her out, he wanted to shut her out but her words kept filling his ears. She kept saying how sorry she was, like it was an accident. It wasn’t an accident. She did it to hurt him. She only wanted to hurt him.

    The pounding of her fists on his cabin door was making it rattle and shake. She sure packed a punch, even if it was being taken out on a door. Annabeth called different nonsense, hoping something would lure Percy out from his solitude.

    "Percy, can we please just talk this out?" Annabeth asked, "Like adults? You’re being childish about this whole situation."

    That was it. That was the line that caused Percy to snap. He stood and whipped the door open, anger visible on his face. His eyes dark with rage.

    "Childish, Annabeth? Really, you’re really going to stoop that low by calling me childish?” Percy half shouted, “You cheated Annabeth! And you’re sitting here calling me childish, like it was my fault?”

    "Oh my gods, Percy!" Annabeth cried out in frustration, "Its just Monopoly!”

    well i did not see that coming

    Indeed... No of course nothing's wrong with this fandom.
