• It was the year 2156 when scientists finally discovered a new way of creating life. By manipulating artificial genes and growing the fetus in a tube, they were able to created 'the perfect Human being'. They were rumoured to have no flaws and to look as beautiful as any child celebrity. Their hair- and eye-colour could, according to the advertisement, range from red to blue and everything in between. Naturally, rich people all around the world put in an order for one of these 'perfect children'. Eventually, 23 orders were accepted. And in May 2157, the first batch of these 'Beauties' was born. The first one on the 2nd of May, the second on the 3rd, etc. And for a while, everything was great. They had loving parents. A home. They were loved. They were happy.
    And then everything took a dark turn.

    On the 25th of May, in the year 2162, one little Beauty developed a 'Gift'. This boy, the first successfully born prototype, is publicly known as Zero. It was his sixth birthday party when the tragedy happened. The other 23 Beauties had been invited for this celebration, because it was not only Zero's birthday, but also the anniversary of the scientific break-through that made the Beauties possible. It was a very nice and relaxed meeting. The parents chatted, the children played... Until Little Zero passed out.
    When he awoke, Zero was not the same. His voice was ancient and loud. He spoke his first prophecy.
    “These Gifts of Beauty,
    They are the work of an empty man.
    To retrieve your soul,
    Follow my words as close as you can.”
    When the little boy made eye contact with one of the other Beauties, he would loose control of his own body and speak a prophecy. Each prophecy leads, according to Little Zero, to their 'soul'. Back then, nobody understood what the little boy meant. They didn't understand why Little Adam, Beauty #21, needed to find "A dame with hair as white as frost, to whom beauty is never lost. Her head is always full of dreams, yet frozen in time is how she seems."
    Then the Beauties grew up. And as each of them hit the age of six, they all developed a Gift. Several kids were suddenly making fire dance on their fingertips, while others could bend the will of their parents or heal small wounds and injuries. The world panicked. The Gifts were strange, weird, and sometimes even dangerous.
    It wasn't until the end of June, one month after the last Beauty had received their gift, that things escalated. Beauty #18 had been brutally attacked on the street by a frightened woman. The six year old boy had been strangled to death, despite his efforts to fight her off.
    People everywhere were demanding the death of these children. It was obvious that they were getting too powerful. Apart from their Gifts, they were also stronger and faster than the average Human. They really did seem perfect.
    Until exactly five months after their birthdays. Because on that day, they became colour blind and they stopped being able to taste and smell things completely. The children had lost a part of themselves. The only explanation the parents had, was Zero's line. “They need to find their soul,” he'd said seriously on his birthday. The scientists said it was complete fantasy and just said it was a fault in their genes. Yet, the world was convinced that, without finding this one 'person' the Gifted would be unable to reach their 'soul' and their full power. And they were happy with that.

    Eventually, it was decided that the children would be imprisoned, away from humanity. A small island in the Indian Ocean was used to build two prison camps. Each camp would hold twelve of the 'Gifted' as they were now labelled. Light-weight metal gauntlets were made for their hands. This special type of metal would prevent the children from using their Gifts.
    Ever since these 24 Gifted children were seven years old, they've been locked up in the prison camps. It is now the year 2175. Most Gifted are now 18 years old. This roleplay follows their story and their struggle.

    This roleplay follows the twelve oldest Gifted, their four guards and two scientists. The Gifted each have their own cell. The guards and scientists all have their own flat on the premises. The staff is concluded by two ladies who clean and cook the meals.
    Before you do anything, please carefully read the summary in the spoiler above.
    It's also a good idea to read:
    About the Gifted
    About the Gifts
    About the Prophecies
    About the Guards and Scientists
    About the Prison
    Roleplay Rules

    We're full

    *Zero ¦ [Zero] (Born on 25-04-2156) (Lizz/Javert)
    *Elanori Zarafina Bertarinne ¦ [First] (Born on 02-05-2157) (Vera/GwenxVeer)
    * ¦ [Second] (Born on 03-05-2157) (L/Lolicia)
    * ¦ [Third] (Born on 04-05-2157)
    *Laron Caldre Barrineau ¦ [Fourth] (Born on 05-05-2157) (Sam/Yoda)
    * ¦ [Fifth] (Born on 06-05-2157)
    *Ophelia Wynter Sfinkx ¦ [Sixth] (Born on 07-05-2157) (Elise/Gatsby)
    * ¦ [Seventh] (Born on 08-05-2157)
    * ¦ [Eighth] (Born on 09-05-2157) (Simone/Ubiquitous)
    * ¦ [Ninth] (Born on 10-05-2157) (Melissa/After)
    *Lenore Elín Sappheire Callas ¦ [Tenth] (Born on 11-05-2157) (Cheryl/Maniae)
    *Mischa Remy Aznabaev ¦ [Eleventh] (Born on 12-05-2157) (Amy/SneakyDom)

    * ¦ Head guard (Lizz/Javert)
    *Vanellope Westerfeld ¦ Guard #1 (Amy/SneakyDom)
    *Eduard Novak ¦ Guard #2 (Kaat/TicTac)
    * ¦ Guard #3 (Cheryl/Maniae)

    * ¦ Head scientist ]
    * ¦ Assistant (Elise/Gatsby)


    - English only
    - 10 line minimum per post; (20 minimum if you have two characters in the post)
    - 2 characters maximum;
    - Anything unrelated to the RPG in the chat topic;
    - No killing a character without permission of the owner;
    - No 'perfect characters'. Each character must have a few flaws;
    - Wait 2-3 posts before replying again;
    - You do not have to fall in love with the person the prophecy leads you to!
    - Please read the story carefully before making your character!
    - We start the RPG on Friday, the 28th of June, around eight p.m. If this is a problem, please contact me.
    - This roleplay is not meant to fill it's topics in a day. Take your time with your posts. We can be patient. Quality over speed, please.


    Okay guys, listen up!
    I will read each character before I put it in the story.Ii will check all requirements and might ask you to make some changes.

    I have also heard some complaints about the weight.height of some characters. They may be in a prison, but they are still fed. they are not supposed to be severely underweight. Please use a BMI meter. These 'anorexia' type weights that some characters here have, are making several other people uncomfortable due to personal experience.

    This is not an angry announcement, just please have a review of your character's height and weight. Thank you.

    And please inform me when your character is finished so I can approve it.

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 juni 2013 - 12:40 ]

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    I'm very sorry it's this late, but I'm gonna pass. It's not because I don't like the idea, but I think the goals are a little to high for me. and with the english and all, so I'm sorry but I'm out.

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Oh yea, Eduard is finished... I think x)
    He's on page 7

    -Hi, I'm Andy, also freaking out- Andy Gallagher

    I have to say, that I want to do this, but that I just want to play with Elanori. I'm busy and I think it's going to be TO busy for me doing it with the scientist to.

    I'm sorry about that, gonna finish Elanori now.

    I'm F.O.O.D.: Fan Of One Direction, problems?

    GwenxVeer schreef:
    I have to say, that I want to do this, but that I just want to play with Elanori. I'm busy and I think it's going to be TO too busy for me doing it with the scientist to too.

    I'm sorry about that, gonna finish Elanori now.

    Ook/te = too
    Niet to.

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 juni 2013 - 10:26 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Okay, you guys, I'm sorry for the radio silence but I've been quite busy this week. I'm going to give us another week before we start the roleplay.

    Also, there's some empty roles again, so if you think you have time to pick up a second role, or know someone who might want to join, let me know.

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Okay guys, this roleplay is officially on hold.

    Too many people are quitting, and my life is topsy turvy atm. I don't have time for it myself, sadly, and I'd hate to mess this up.

    Reservations will remain when I start it up in September.

    Tank you all and I'm very sorry.

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    It's OK. It is better to put it on hold instead of let it die slowly. :x
    I couldn't find time/inspiration to finish my role yet, and Sunday I'm off for three weeks of vacation.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 juli 2013 - 18:39 ]

    These rings that I'm breaking are making you a personal debt.

    Javert schreef:
    Okay guys, this roleplay is officially on hold.

    Too many people are quitting, and my life is topsy turvy atm. I don't have time for it myself, sadly, and I'd hate to mess this up.

    Reservations will remain when I start it up in September.

    Tank you all and I'm very sorry.

    Tank us all? Awh hell nawh!
    But I understand what you mean :P That's why mine is starting then

    Having a birthday holiday to the Netherlands <3 So excited!! <3

    Javert schreef:
    Okay guys, this roleplay is officially on hold.

    Too many people are quitting, and my life is topsy turvy atm. I don't have time for it myself, sadly, and I'd hate to mess this up.

    Reservations will remain when I start it up in September.

    Tank you all and I'm very sorry.

    I understand and I also think you would get more people to join if they were also allowed to write in Dutch, make it a multi-language RPG or something like that. It maybe would be less fun, but there are some great RPG'ers that aren't able to write such long and great posts in English.

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    I don't think having people write in Dutch and English is a good idea at all. I don't know about others, but it would confuse the hell out of me.
    + Amy is still learning Dutch, should she be excluded from RPG'ing because of that?

    I think it's nice there're finaly some English RPG's, and people who aren't good at English aren't forced into it. It's their own choice.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Gatsby schreef:
    I don't think having people write in Dutch and English is a good idea at all. I don't know about others, but it would confuse the hell out of me.
    + Amy is still learning Dutch, should she be excluded from RPG'ing because of that?

    I think it's nice there're finaly some English RPG's, and people who aren't good at English aren't forced into it. It's their own choice.

    Oh that's true, she's still learning, forgot about that (: And yeah, I know they're not foreced into it, was just wondering how we could get some more people to join, since a few have quit.

    Well, I'm willing to make a second character if needed? (: Maybe a guard? (Don't know what we have right now)

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 juli 2013 - 19:08 ]

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    I can make a second char too if it's necessary, but don't really have a good Idea though

    -Hi, I'm Andy, also freaking out- Andy Gallagher

    Gatsby schreef:
    I don't think having people write in Dutch and English is a good idea at all. I don't know about others, but it would confuse the hell out of me.
    + Amy is still learning Dutch, should she be excluded from RPG'ing because of that?

    I think it's nice there're finaly some English RPG's, and people who aren't good at English aren't forced into it. It's their own choice.

    I'd be really slow at replying like that... My Dutch is still pretty crap. But if that's the only way to get the roles filled, then.. I guess we'll have to. [and everyone will have to be very fucking patient with my replies, cause I'll need someone to translate all the Dutch posts for me.]

    Ubiquitous schreef:

    Oh that's true, she's still learning, forgot about that (: And yeah, I know they're not foreced into it, was just wondering how we could get some more people to join, since a few have quit.

    Well, I'm willing to make a second character if needed? (: Maybe a guard? (Don't know what we have right now)

    ... How can you forget?? D: meanie.... I have two characters ready :') and I can't take anymore, or Goddess knows I would to make it easier for my Lizz

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 juli 2013 - 14:26 ]

    Having a birthday holiday to the Netherlands <3 So excited!! <3

    If you do that, I'm very sorry but then I'm out. I'm not going to switch from English to Dutch in one RPG, I just won't.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    It was just an idea, butcyes it would be confusing as hell. But what roles are still open? (:

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.