• Mijn slechte gedicht. :Y) Ik had zo'n stom liedje in mijn hoofd en toen besloot ik er maar wat mee te doen en een slecht gedicht te schrijven omdat ik er sowieso al niet goed in ben. Er zit volgens mij totaal geen ritme of iets in, maar ja.

    Time is ticking
    and I am waiting
    waiting for the hours to pass

    Time is ticking
    but it never goes fast enough
    so I keep on waiting

    As seconds go by
    as minutes pass on
    when hours turn into days
    and days turn into months

    will I ever realize
    how much time I waste

    Waiting for the next hour
    until the clock hits twelve
    waiting for the next day
    only praying for results

    One day I will know
    know how far I've gone

    only then I will realize how much
    how much time I wasted
    wasted at waiting

    Until that day
    I keep on waiting
    hoping, praying

    Until that day
    I will not know
    I've lost myself long ago

    En je kan hem hier vinden. Commentaar mag zeker gegeven worden, ook verbeteringen haha.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 mei 2013 - 12:01 ]

    Your make-up is terrible


    'Plays wasted words, proves to be warn, that he not busy being born is busy dying.'

    Ik vind hem wel goed! (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 mei 2013 - 14:21 ]

    It's never gonna happen, Guys.

    Wat is hier slecht aan? Serieus; I like. :Y)

    We need a bigger boat.

    xPOMPOMS schreef:
    Wat is hier slecht aan? Serieus; I like. :Y)

    "Everytime I see the red hair bouncing so gracefully, I remember how much damage I did to that magnificient flower..."

    Nice c;

    Licet schreef:

    26 - 02 - '16

    Echt? Dat had ik eigenlijk niet verwacht, dankjewel!

    Your make-up is terrible