Gewoon ff je naam achterstevoren zeggen.. ik weet.. this saai, maar weet ff niks te verzinnen
ennaS huh klinkt als annanas
Beautiful people, are people who smile.
Anurb. xd weetje welke naar grappig is; sander; rednas casper; repsac
My Foughts You Can't Decode
Ednah,.. Ik vind Sirolf-Floris wel geinigxD
So far away..
Marije --> Ejiram Klinkt... oosters
I clicked my heels and wished for you.
eifoS-nnA whaha klink wel stom x)
Have you ever had sex with a piece of fruit? Was it a melon? [Nathan Young]
Eiluj ^^
Oh, I may be on the side of the angels... but don't think for one second that I am one of them.
enileuqcaj juist ..
I can't handle this confusion
Today was a fairytale.
aynaT (':
Some people make the world special just by being in it
ëoz daardoor moet ik ergens aan denken alleen weet niet meer wat >< oh wacht..etos
Maybe part of loving is learning to let go...
ellehcar O_o die van gustav is leuker vastug
Haterszz shut you're mouth and shoot yourself dead
Imuy Uhc-Imuy Yumi-Chu ^^ Eiluj Julie XDXDXD
inoY ^^
Keep calm and love Zayn Malik =)
Llib Mot Groeg Vatsug Bill-Tom-Georg-Gustav