• Eluveitie is nu Devourer.

    de·vour (d-vour)
    tr.v. de·voured, de·vour·ing, de·vours
    1. To eat up greedily. See Synonyms at eat.
    2. To destroy, consume, or waste: Flames devoured the structure in minutes.
    3. To take in eagerly: devour a novel.
    4. To prey upon voraciously: was devoured by jealousy.

    Volgens Google vertaler, waar ik niet geheel vanuit ga dat het klopt, betekende het Verslinder.

    26 - 02 - '16

    Haha, leuk.(:

    "It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart."

    Memoria schreef:
    Haha, leuk.(:

    Dankje c;

    26 - 02 - '16

    Super leuk!<3

    •*• Lululu •*•

    Mallory schreef:
    Super leuk!<3

    Yay, thanks c:

    26 - 02 - '16

    Leuk! :D

    Bad decisions make good stories.

    Leuk! (:

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Thanks c:

    26 - 02 - '16

    Devourer schreef:

    Yay, thanks c:

    You're welcome love.

    •*• Lululu •*•

    I like. (:

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    Dumbledore schreef:
    I like. (:

    Thank you c:
    Nice username heb jij ook trouwens

    26 - 02 - '16

    Het si een Frans werkwoord dat ''verslinden'' betekent. (:

    "A weed is simply a flower that somebody has decided is in the wrong place." Sister Monica Joan, Call the Midwife

    Is verslinden niet bouffer? :'D

    Le Beau n’est que la promesse du bonheur | Will you dance, dear Emma? | page 28

    Plague schreef:
    Het si een Frans werkwoord dat ''verslinden'' betekent. (:

    Oh, dat wist ik nog niet haha .

    26 - 02 - '16

    Nice! c:

    You are beautiful, you are love.

    Folklore schreef:
    Nice! c:

    Thanks c:

    26 - 02 - '16