• I’m someone who can say: Never give up.
    That is the most important thing I’ve learned
    after all the things I've experienced.

    Never give up, Always see the positive part of life,
    and cherish your beautiful moments.

    Never give up,Even When life is hard and painful..
    there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.

    And if you have a dream, and people make fun of you ..
    Remember: Never give up,
    and you will be the one who will laugh as the last.

    I’ve had hard times...but now I’m stronger than ever.
    because I didn’t give up,like I will never do.

    One direction bestaat
    Start 10-01-'13
    of eerder met 10 abo's
    16+ word aangegeven

    Love is a strong word. I know what love is, in my own way - Cristiano Ronaldo