• Every breath you breathe - Harry Styles

    Dear Dominique,

    I don't know what ever happend to us. We kill eachother from inside out. But what if that makes us realizing what we have. Our love. Our life. Are we ready to change? I don't know about you, but I am. And no matter what happens my love for you will always stay at the same place I left it. In your heart. And I promise. I will come back. I never left you. I needed to clear my mind. It's not you it's my fucked up mind. And I promise also that I write you letters. From each place I go. Tell everything that happend to me. Till the day I come back to you. My hearts desire to you every day. Every night. I know I hurt you, not by saying anything about this. And you deserve more. And hope that when I come back our love is still there.

    I love you a hundred red m&m's


    I let him go. And. It. Felt. So. Damn. Good.