Starsdust is een nieuw online RPG forum! Het is een aanrader voor iedereen die van fantasie en RPG'en houdt. Maak je eigen karakter aan en speel in de bijzondere tussenwereld van Nestra!
Er wordt in het Nederlands en het Engels gespeeld. Het is maar waar je de voorkeur aan geeft (ik geef de voorkeur aan NL's).
Aanrader; wordt lid. Ik ben er zelf ook lid van!
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Oh, hieronder is de Legende van de Tussenwereld (the In-between) in het Engels te lezen. Vind je dat te lastig? Bezoek dan Starsdust om de Nederlandse versie te lezen.

Starsdust is een nieuw online RPG forum! Het is een aanrader voor iedereen die van fantasie en RPG'en houdt. Maak je eigen karakter aan en speel in de bijzondere tussenwereld van Nestra!
Er wordt in het Nederlands en het Engels gespeeld. Het is maar waar je de voorkeur aan geeft (ik geef de voorkeur aan NL's).
Aanrader; wordt lid. Ik ben er zelf ook lid van!
Klik hier om de website te bezoeken!
Oh, hieronder is de Legende van de Tussenwereld (the In-between) in het Engels te lezen. Vind je dat te lastig? Bezoek dan Starsdust om de Nederlandse versie te lezen.

Be welcome in the In-between: a world like you have never seen before. Find out and discover what the possibilities are. Choose a side and help to create the story of Nestra. This is rollplaying like it was ever ment to be: together, instead of one to one topics. Made for Dutch and English speaking people, we hope to welcome a lot of new fans of Stardust.
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Or read the legend about world made of tears and stardust already:
Once, a long, long time ago, there were two worlds: heaven and hell (called Hünte and Lùsba) which were populated by a lot of different gods, including the two highest gods: Mhyren and Razmirr. She, Mhyren, was the highest god of Hünte, he, Razmirr, was the ruler of Lùsba. Razmirr was the embodiment of arrogance and pride and no one would be surprised that Lùsba wasn't enough for him: he also wanted to rule Hünte.
A terrible war between the two worlds started. A war which lasted for many centuries and caused countless of tears. Out of these tears the In-Between came into existance: a world between the stars and shadows where many strange creatures live nowadays. However, when the world came to existance it was a lonely and cold place.
One of the gods who cried, was the young Goddess Estiqúe: she was the Goddess of magic, of dreams, the moon, stars, the untouchable, the spiritual, of the wind and the water. Estiqúe pitied the downfall of her world very much and was one of the first who discoverd the existance of Nestra.
Together with her love, the young Amox (God of creation, life, the visible and physical, of the sun, the earth and fire) she took a piece of her homeland, Hünte, and they flight to the In-Between. The two young Gods started to create a livable world with the piece of their homeland, the tears and the stardust. Amox created the beings which should live there and Estiqué gave them their breath of life.
At first, it seemed like the perfect world, but after a few years it already turned out that Nestra was unbalanced and treacherous: the equilibrium which Lùsba and Hünte had together, was lacking. Because of this Amox decided he would travel to Lùsba to get a piece of that world, so the equilibrium of Nestra would be restored. And with days and nights passing, Estiqúe was waiting for her love to return, but he never came back from his journey to Lùsba.
Eventually the war faded away and peace came, but still didn't Amox return. Longing for her love, Estiqúe made her own journey to Lùsba but she did never find him there. What she did find was the missing piece to restore the equilibrium of Nestra: the piece of hell, of Lùsba.
As her last act she created the Sun in the day sky: her honouring for Amox. For the night sky she created the moon and the stars. To ensure herself that the world her love died for, never would disappear she created two guardians: Yin and Yang. At last she did disappear in a fire of stars and tears.
As guardians of Nestra, Yin and Yang kept the balance for centuries and centuries. But, like it goes with the greatest fires, they also knew the greatest and everything destroying ending. Probably because opposites not only attract but also reject in all their violence, because the difference is too great. As such was Yin female and she was seen as the dark half: she was in the cold, in the water and the moon, she was black, beneath and hatred. Yang was masculine and seen as the light half: he was up, warm and white, he was in the fire, the sun and in love.
The contrast couldn't have been any bigger. The love which was once so passionated, was now going under through intense hatred. Nestra would be ravaged by the extreme climate which would endure for many years.
Eventually, because they did never forget which duty Estiqúe lied upon them, Yin and Yang came to an agreement: Yin would rule the southern half of the world, while Yang would have the power in the northern half. For many centuries the boundary was handled very strictly, but with time the two different tribes, which had almost became two different worlds, blended back together until the descendants of Yin and Yang dwell again over the entire world.
However the division and hatred isn't forgotten: everyone knows where his roots are and the spiritual border between Yin and Yang is still sacred. You can't be Yin and hang around with Yang, and the other way around. Although the two tribed even could be neighbours, the hate does never disappear, you can always feel it: the love which was once between Yin and Yang, is now perished in the flames of their everything consuming fire.
[ bericht aangepast op 7 aug 2012 - 15:01 ]