How much do you cost
The less the better
1. Had sex: $10.00
2. Smoked: $10.00
3. Drank: $5.00
4. Went skinny dipping: $10.00
5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $1.00
6. Kissed someone of the same sex: $5.00
7. Cheated on a test: $7.00
8. Fell asleep in class: $5.00
9. Been expelled: $10.00
10. Been in a fist fight: $10.00
11. Given oral: $10.00
12. Got oral: $10.00
13. Prank called the cops: $10.00
14. Stole something: $10.00
15. Done drugs: $10.00
16. Dyed your hair: $5.00
17. Done something with someone older (like a few years): $10.00
18. Went out with someone OVER 18 (if your under 18 ) : $10.00
19. Ate a whole bag of oreos: $10.00
20. Cried yourself to sleep: $0.50
21. Said you love someone but didnt mean it: $1.00
22. Been in love: $5.00
23. Got caught doing something that you shouldnt have been doing: $10.00
24. Went streaking: $1.00
25. Got arrested: $10.00
26. Cuddled: $1.00
27. Peed in the pool: $5.00
28. Played spin the bottle: $10.00
29. Done something you regret: $5.00
9 okt 2008 - 0:039 okt 2008 - 18:249 okt 2008 - 18:25
whaha, naughty you
tsja optreden + bedtrek van th + nieuwe telefoon + nieuwe schoenen + nieuwe kleren + haartjes knippen + haartjes verven9 okt 2008 - 19:07$ 22.50:Y)
like, ik ben gwn de goedkoopstexDIf I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.
9 okt 2008 - 19:1192 euro 50
Life is hard and then we die
9 okt 2008 - 19:179 okt 2008 - 19:1832.50
What's wrong whit loving someone?
9 okt 2008 - 19:261. Had sex: $10.00
2. Smoked: $10.00
3. Drank: $5.00
4. Went skinny dipping: $10.00
5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $1.00
6. Kissed someone of the same sex: $5.00
7. Cheated on a test: $7.00
8. Fell asleep in class: $5.00
9. Been expelled: $10.00
10. Been in a fist fight: $10.00
11. Given oral: $10.00
12. Got oral: $10.00
13. Prank called the cops: $10.00
14. Stole something: $10.00
15. Done drugs: $10.00
16. Dyed your hair: $5.00
17. Done something with someone older (like a few years): $10.00
18. Went out with someone OVER 18 (if your under 18 ) : $10.00
19. Ate a whole bag of oreos: $10.00
20. Cried yourself to sleep: $0.50
21. Said you love someone but didnt mean it: $1.00
22. Been in love: $5.00
23. Got caught doing something that you shouldnt have been doing: $10.00
24. Went streaking: $1.00
25. Got arrested: $10.00
26. Cuddled: $1.00
27. Peed in the pool: $5.00
28. Played spin the bottle: $10.00
29. Done something you regret: $5.00
42,509 okt 2008 - 19:29hoezo the less the better?
ik vind meer hoe minder hoe minder ervaren op volwassen gebied maarja zal wel aan mij liggenLife is hard and then we die
9 okt 2008 - 19:30100,5 (:
Life is a fairytale, told by an idiot.
9 okt 2008 - 19:31104 Jeah^^
Could it be that if I would just Be, True Love, Peace and Communion would come Naturally?
9 okt 2008 - 19:31$12.00
Volgensmij ben ik de goedkoopste hir ofzo?
edit; grapje. 12.00 + 20.50.. Dus 32.50 =]
9 okt 2008 - 19:57$46,50 Whaha valt mee
Het is niet ongewoon dat mensen hun hele leven wachten met beginnen te leven. - Eckhart Tolle
9 okt 2008 - 20:1473.50
You are so god damn Sexy <3
9 okt 2008 - 20:1558,50 like joaah joh x']
Why don't you break my heart
9 okt 2008 - 20:21nene
hmm 131,50Gilles (ll)