I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
S - T Trol
It’s cold today, dress warmly on your way to heaven. You worked hard.
T-U Uitmuntend.
Ich liebe dich 27.12.23
U - V Verschijnselen
V-W Wand
W-X Xenophilius
[ bericht aangepast op 26 juli 2012 - 19:34 ]
X - Y Yule Ball
Y-Z Zwerkbal!
Z - A Aguamenti
A-B Bell
"If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."
B - C Charms
[ bericht aangepast op 26 juli 2012 - 19:57 ]
C-D Dwaaloog
D - E Expelliarmus
[ bericht aangepast op 6 aug 2012 - 13:58 ]
E-F Feniks
F - G Goderic Gryffindor
26 - 02 - '16
G - H Helga Hufflepuff