• Ik heb geloof ik nog nooit zoveel pijn in m'n hart gehad als vandaag en ben nog nooit zo bang geweest om iemand kwijt te raken ... Fucking hell. Ik heb echt even wat steunende of lieve woorden nodig voor iemand, voor ik echt afbreek en iets heel slechts doe met mezelf. Vraag me alsjeblieft niet teveel wat er is ... Maar iemand, iemand steek alsjeblieft je armen uit naar me ;-;

    Til hug og blod.


    Het lijkt nu alsof er geen oplossing is of misschien maar een oplossing. Dat zal uiteindelijk over gaan, wees kwaad, verdrietig uit je gevoelens en probeer dan rust te vinden voor jezelf.

    Physics is awesome

    *Big hug*

    "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and a woman; but between love and love." - Frank Ocean

    *geeft knuffel*
    Maar je zult die persoon niet kwijt raken, wanneer jullie beiden vechten om elkaar niet kwijt te raken :3.

    Sorry, maar ik weet niet echt iets zinnigs te zeggen ;x

    Never look back, don't doubt tomorrow.

    Eyes schreef:

    Het lijkt nu alsof er geen oplossing is of misschien maar een oplossing. Dat zal uiteindelijk over gaan, wees kwaad, verdrietig uit je gevoelens en probeer dan rust te vinden voor jezelf.

    Rust zit er nu echt niet meer in ... Je kan gerust zeggen dat het hier nu om een oorlog gaat tussen mij en een bepaalde vrouw.

    Til hug og blod.

    Come here baby. Geen zorgen, je gaat helemaal niemand kwijt raken. Niet na al die tijd nog. En er zijn genoeg mensen hier die je nu op willen vangen, je willen steunen en je gerust willen stellen <3

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    Ik hoop dat je je snel een beetje beter gaat voelen..
    Het komt allemaal wel goed! Tijd heelt (:

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Yoda schreef:
    Come here baby. Geen zorgen, je gaat helemaal niemand kwijt raken. Niet na al die tijd nog. En er zijn genoeg mensen hier die je nu op willen vangen, je willen steunen en je gerust willen stellen <3

    Ik weet op dit moment echt niet of ik dat helemaal kan geloven.

    Til hug og blod.

    Turmoil schreef:

    Rust zit er nu echt niet meer in ... Je kan gerust zeggen dat het hier nu om een oorlog gaat tussen mij en een bepaalde vrouw.

    :8 Oké... In ieder geval sterkte ermee en hopelijk kunnen jullie vrede stichtten

    Physics is awesome

    Eyes schreef:

    :8 Oké... In ieder geval sterkte ermee en hopelijk kunnen jullie vrede stichtten

    Ehhhh .... Nee.
    Dat gaat het hem nooit meer worden.

    Til hug og blod.

    “Everyone has an angel. A guardian who watches over us. We can't know what form they'll take. One day a old man, next day a little girl. But don't let appearances fool you, they can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they're not here to fight our battles. But to whisper from our hearts. Reminding that it's us. Its everyone of us who holds power over the world we create. You can deny angels exist, convince ourselves they can't be real. But they show up anyway, at strange places and at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They'll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight. And finally, this question. The mystery of whose story it will be, of who draws the curtain. Who is it that chooses our steps in a dance? Who drives us mad, flashes us with whips, crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? Who is it that tells all these things? Who honors those we love for the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us? And at the same time sings that we will never die. Who teaches us what’s real? and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us and who holds the key that can set us free? It's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight." <3

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 juni 2012 - 14:17 ]

    I'll lick the poison from right off your kiss

    Britsanity schreef:...<3[/b]

    Oh, I loved that quote. Very beautiful.
    Very heart touching.

    Til hug og blod.


    A king can rule a kingdom, but happiness will rule the

    Britsanity schreef:
    “Everyone has an angel. A guardian who watches over us. We can't know what form they'll take. One day a old man, next day a little girl. But don't let appearances fool you, they can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they're not here to fight our battles. But to whisper from our hearts. Reminding that it's us. Its everyone of us who holds power over the world we create. You can deny angels exist, convince ourselves they can't be real. But they show up anyway, at strange places and at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They'll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight. And finally, this question. The mystery of whose story it will be, of who draws the curtain. Who is it that chooses our steps in a dance? Who drives us mad, flashes us with whips, crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? Who is it that tells all these things? Who honors those we love for the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us? And at the same time sings that we will never die. Who teaches us what’s real? and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us and who holds the key that can set us free? It's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight." <3

    -staart naar haar eigen profiel-
    Hey :Y)

    But honey, it will turn out alright. And when it does, you'll look back and wonder why you were worried in the first place <3

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    Yoda schreef:

    -staart naar haar eigen profiel-
    Hey :Y)

    But honey, it will turn out alright. And when it does, you'll look back and wonder why you were worried in the first place <3

    Honestly ... I'm not even that worried. Not even that scared anymore, because I have trust. Yet certain wounds cut very deep in to ones soul ...

    Til hug og blod.

    I dunno what happened exactly, but ik geef je een cyber hug! :[ Be, strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever.

    "A weed is simply a flower that somebody has decided is in the wrong place." Sister Monica Joan, Call the Midwife