Tegen mijn vriendin die sinds vandaag een account heeft op Q. Haar account is paulyD en ze heet Pleun. (: Ik denk dat ze dat leuk zou vinden!
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Hoi! (:
He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."
Bonjour C:
Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.
Not all those who wander are lost.
Flanagan schreef:
Door die gif moest ik aan deze denken :')
[ bericht aangepast op 27 maart 2012 - 18:09 ]
'Dear girls: a compliment is actually not an invitation to explain how ugly you think you are' - Lisa Cimorelli
I just came to say hello!
Always be yourself; Unless you can be Pikachu. Always be Pikachu.
all I want is the taste that your lips allow
Haaaaaay. (:
you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about
Guten Tag ^^
Things will go as they will; and there is no need to hurry to meet them.
You can't not look cool with a crossbow.
System schreef: I just came to say hello!
comfort in c h a o s
Ik moest aan dat liedje van Rene Froger denken failure. "Just say hello, HELLO!" Oke hoi.
Normal girl at day, Catwoman at night.
Wie durft te verdwalen, zal nieuwe wegen vinden!