• Nou? Waar staat JB voor? (krul)

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 feb 2012 - 14:52 ]

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan

    justin bieber.. toch?

    Edit: Anyways.. forget it.. i'm not smart enough for that. :) bij mij blijft het justin bieber :)

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 feb 2012 - 14:58 ]

    It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death & darkness nothing more. - albus dumbledore

    Februharry schreef:
    justin bieber.. toch?

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just

    Jack Barakat _O_

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind

    John Barrowman. Definitly.

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Februharry schreef:
    justin bieber.. toch?

    Edit: Anyways.. forget it.. i'm not smart enough for that. :) bij mij blijft het justin bieber :)

    Er is geen echt goed antwoord, het gaat er gewoon om waar jij aan denkt. (:

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan

    Escritura schreef:
    John Barrowman. Definitly.

    Ik mag jou. Ik dacht dat ik de enige zou zijn die aan hem denkt. :Y)

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan

    Square schreef:

    Ik mag jou. Ik dacht dat ik de enige zou zijn die aan hem denkt. :Y)

    :Y) The man is sex on legs, of cóurse I think of him. (wbw)

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Ik stem voor Jonas Brothers, aangezien hun er toch écht véééél eerder waren dan Justin Bieber. He stole their identity.

    Not every fairy tales ends with: and they lived happily ever after - Prince Harry of Wales

    You forgot about: Jack Barakat tho ;')

    Not every fairy tales ends with: and they lived happily ever after - Prince Harry of Wales

    Ik heb gestemd voor Jack Black. :]

    I can't even think straight.

    Bach schreef:
    Jack Barakat _O_

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    John Barrowman natuurlijk!!!

    As travars

    Jonas Brothers<3

    You're strong enough to win without a war || Vaucluse >> Thread.

    Gothel schreef:

    :Y) The man is sex on legs, of cóurse I think of him. (wbw)

    frst thing to pop up in my mind xD

    quidquid excusatio prandium pro

    Je Broer

    Firm believer of all that is magic