• They got swag. A lot.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 jan 2012 - 19:36 ]

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Meh, ik zou moeten verder schrijven aan mijn short story. Maar ik zit vast. D:

    Take me to wonderland

    Ge komt der terug op. Ik moet eerst iets vinden. :/

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry


    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Gij staat er 2 keer op, bij mij :3

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Will: "No one is accusing anyone of anything!"
    Will: "Puck, did you do it?"

    -This is just too funny :W

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    @Evelien; je staat erop (bat)

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    How I'd Like the Next Generation's School Days to Be...
    Teacher: Crookshanks! Voldemort! Please could you get off that desk and sit down? OK, Merlin, can you hand out the tests for me?
    Girl 1: What did I get on mine?
    Girl 2: Spoilers!
    Teacher: I heard that, River.
    Girl 1: But I'm really worried, I think I got question 14b wrong...
    Teacher: Actually, Hermione, you got 112%.
    Boy 1: I don't understand question six.
    Boy 2: Me neither, but when the teacher walked past, I noticed her breathing rate pick up slightly when my pen was over Option D, so I put that.
    Boy 1: I suppose it's your name...
    Boy 2: My parents like me to make deductions, yes.
    Boy 1: It's alright for you, Sherlock. Mine like me to get bad marks - apparently it fits with the name Neville.
    Teacher: Fred, will you collect the papers back in?
    Boy 3: I'm not Fred, I'm George.
    Teacher: Oh for goodness' sake, you're not even identical!
    Boy 3: One of these days...
    Boy 4: When we're running our joke shop...
    Boy 3: We'll invent disguises...
    Boy 4: And then you'll see.
    Teacher: That's the end of the lesson.
    Boy 5: *Jumps out of window* Dobby... Dobby is free!
    Girl 3: Dobby, you bad, bad boy! Students is not meant to be freed until the bell rings.
    Teacher: It's OK, Winky, you can go too...

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    iheartlilo schreef:
    @Evelien; je staat erop (bat)

    Me gusta ;D

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Orchideous schreef:
    How I'd Like the Next Generation's School Days to Be...
    Teacher: Crookshanks! Voldemort! Please could you get off that desk and sit down? OK, Merlin, can you hand out the tests for me?
    Girl 1: What did I get on mine?
    Girl 2: Spoilers!
    Teacher: I heard that, River.
    Girl 1: But I'm really worried, I think I got question 14b wrong...
    Teacher: Actually, Hermione, you got 112%.
    Boy 1: I don't understand question six.
    Boy 2: Me neither, but when the teacher walked past, I noticed her breathing rate pick up slightly when my pen was over Option D, so I put that.
    Boy 1: I suppose it's your name...
    Boy 2: My parents like me to make deductions, yes.
    Boy 1: It's alright for you, Sherlock. Mine like me to get bad marks - apparently it fits with the name Neville.
    Teacher: Fred, will you collect the papers back in?
    Boy 3: I'm not Fred, I'm George.
    Teacher: Oh for goodness' sake, you're not even identical!
    Boy 3: One of these days...
    Boy 4: When we're running our joke shop...
    Boy 3: We'll invent disguises...
    Boy 4: And then you'll see.
    Teacher: That's the end of the lesson.
    Boy 5: *Jumps out of window* Dobby... Dobby is free!
    Girl 3: Dobby, you bad, bad boy! Students is not meant to be freed until the bell rings.
    Teacher: It's OK, Winky, you can go too...

    Omijngod :')
    Die is zo geniaal :W

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    iheartlilo schreef:
    @Evelien; je staat erop (bat)

    I'm on it too. 8D
    -feels special- x'D

    Take me to wonderland

    Ik post nog effe voor ik ga slapen, voor alle pure radomheid :W

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Tijdens het wandelen heb ik dankzij een app op mijn iPhone enkele keimooie -vind ik toch- foto's kunnen maken :3
    Mijn favorieten:

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Die derde is de mooiste ^^

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Hihi n.n'
    Ik heb er nog hoor, ma die staan op fb :3
    Kzal er nog wa posten :W

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.