• Jaja, ik ben weer eens verveeld.
    Ik zoek GOEDE One Direction story's die ik ga lezen x)
    Dus kom me niet aanzetten met zuigende verhalen, waarvan de helft van de interpunctie niet klopt.

    Denk je een goed verhaal te hebben/kennen, drop hem dan hier!

    p.s. Als je tijd hebt, lees je dan ook mijn verhaal van Louis? =D

    I'd rather die my way, than live yours.

    Last Friday night
    Yeah we danced on tabletops
    And we drank too many shots
    Think we kissed but I forgot
    Last Friday night
    Yeah we maxed our credit cards
    And got kicked out of the bar
    So we hit the boulevard
    Last Friday night
    We went streaking in the park
    Skinny dipping in the dark
    Then had a menage a trois
    Last Friday night
    Yeah I think we broke the law
    Always say we're gonna stop

    • Written by Riverfire
    • One Direction doesn't exist
    • Contains foul language.
    • Written in Dutch, spoken in Dutch
    • Proloog by 20 abo's.
    • Start: 10'02'2012

    Acht jongeren beleven het perfecte leven dat je als 18-jarige maar kunt hebben. Seks, drank en feestjes, maar niet alles lijkt perfect. Ze verzwijgen hun problemen voor elkaar. Blijft hun leven perfect of zullen ruzies en irritatie alles overnemen?

    Klik voor de story!

    Het is niet goed, maybe wanna try?

    Just keep your head up. Stick on the ice.

    I Love a girl in a whole nother language
    People look at us strange
    Don't understand us.
    They try to change it
    I try to tell her don't change
    We talk loud and they say it sounds crazy.
    Love's even more wild when you're angry

    Just. In love. With you.

    This story is about october fifth. When 400 people got the chance to meet 'One Direction'

    I'm glad you came 'Zayn Malik.

    ‘Cause I got three little words, that I’ve always been dying to tell you.

    But I see you, with her slow dancing.
    Tearing me apart.
    ‘cause you don’t see it.
    Whenever you kiss her,
    I’m breaking.
    Oh how I wish, that was me.

    Sheffield|November 25th

    Oh how I wish, that was me 'Zayn Malik

    To infinity and beyond •

    The difference between me & her? I can make him smile with my clothes on

    I wanna be with you.
    I wanna feel your love.
    I wanna lay beside you.
    I can not hide this.
    Even tough I try.

    bestaat niet meer.

    Pretty is just a pretty word.

    All my life I've been good but now,
    I'm thinking what the hell?

    #One Direction.
    #©NJH & ©NouisPayne.
    #start: Januari
    #Louis Tomlinson & Harry Styles.

    What the hell - One Direction.

    Het beste bewijs van liefde is vertrouwen.

    You Never Lose By Loving | Harry Styles

    Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but are not meant to be together.

    ~ Start 02-01-2012
    ~ One Direction is beroemd.
    ~ De vriendinnen van de jongens zijn verzonnen.
    ~ Neem abo, ik waarschuw niet.
    ~ @Termination
    ~ Enjoy


    One or two numbers.

    A word.





    " You're to old. "
    " You're to young. "
    " I'm twelve. "
    " I'm seventeen. "

    Age is just a number...

    - Fanfiction.
    - Neem abo.
    - Word zo veel mogelijk aan gewerkt.
    - dyanmitexxx

    Age is just a number ~ Harry Edward Styles

    I think there is real love, but not everyone will find it.

    De story van Uneventful vind ik heel goed. Een zekere aanrader. (:

    "With freedom, books, flowers and the moon. Who wouldn't be happy?' • Oscar Wilde.

    I thought I saw a girl, brought to life. She was warm, she came around like she was dignified. She showed me how it was to cry, you couldn't be that girl I adore. Because, you don't seem to know... seem to care what your heart is for.
    My illusion never changed into something real, and this night I'm wide awake and I see the perfect sky is torn. And you're a little late, can't save me for something you did.
    I'm already torn.

    "Why are you unhappy?" "Because I'm unhappy."
    "You're wishing that you had never met me, don't you?"
    "I like being alone. At least I convince myself that I'm better off that way."
    "You call me stupid? I fake a smile everyday, and you believe in it."

    Link: Morning dew • One Direction.

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 feb 2012 - 15:43 ]

    And at last, all the pictures have been burned. And all the past, is just a lesson that we've learned.

    Ik heb wel een Harry Styles story, of hij goed is moet je zelf maar oordelen.


    Sowieso de stories van ScotlandYard en Smoke

    It takes 17 muscles to smile, 43 muscles to frown ~~

    Pas begonnen:

    At the other end of the line | One Direction.

    Five guys.
    One girl.

    An encounter they will never forget.
    A friendship that can move mountains.
    A love that will last forever.

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 feb 2012 - 21:43 ]

    The odds are néver in our favor.

    iLovato schreef:
    De story van Uneventful vind ik heel goed. Een zekere aanrader. (:


    Link: Morning dew • One Direction.

    That's sweet.

    And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.

    Ik heb een verhaal over one Direction.
    Het is niet echt een verhaal maar wel redelijk origineel vind ikzelf.
    Dus zo die facts van one direction (zo die foto met dan bv 31)...) daar maak ik altijd een kort verhaaltje rond.
    Als je geïnteresseerd zou zijn het staat op mijn profiel (doeg)

    Flemish schreef:
    stories van Famine


    Of het al dan niet goed is zal je zelf moeten uitmaken ^^

    - Leef niet in de schaduw van de zon, leef in het hart van haar licht. -

    De verhalen van Sasjeee zijn echt goed, vind ik

    Physics is awesome