• For everyone who believes in Drarry:

    The story of all stories
    The Drarrytales
    Once upon a time there were two Bad boys. They kept their Erased Love alive during The Afterwar. Though they were eachother's Perfect Enemy, and they swore to Never fall in love, they still loved
    Being Wacthed.
    Sometimes they fight, like Snakes&Lions, though their love is Surreptitious&Mellifluous. But in this Secret life they live, One moment can change everything.
    When love takes over, there will be pain, heartache and
    Broken Promises.

    'This will remind you,' Draco said, 'That You ain’t gonna tie me down.'
    'I can’t stop now,' the other boy answered. How could he know that When you play with fire you get burned?
    'We all have our scars,' the blonde said sadly. 'I can't love you.'
    'No,' Harry replied with tears in his eyes. 'How could you love me when your heart is stone cold?'
    'I guess the urge to kiss you is just expressing how much I hate you!' Draco replied angrily. 'I never asked for you to love me!'
    'But Loving you is like breathing, so how can I stop?' Harry said softly.
    'Would you kill for the one you love?' Draco asked, ignoring Harry's question.
    'Of course,' Harry said.
    Killers are quiet and so was his voice.
    'Would you Hit me one more time?' Draco asked, trying to change the subject. It was time for them to part ways.
    'How can I?' Harry asked. 'I love you, you know that We’re meant to be

    List of awesome Drarryheads:
    Cockney = Elise
    CRASHA = Elise
    DrarryPotter = Evelien
    LouisStyles = Kimberly
    LoveLost = Sharon
    Oppugno = Rosa
    Orchideous = Nicky
    Patronum = Evelien
    Pukkelxding = Annick
    RiverDance = Kristy
    Soarin = Lies
    StoryBelle = Lizz
    Tragically = Karin

    Every Saturday is Drarry-day!

    'DracoCervus is extreem besmettelijk, dus als je niet besmet wilt worden: rechtsboven is het vaccin, gewoon even klikken'.


    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Woopsie het vorige topic was op (bloos)

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    I thougt we were going to marry.
    You are going to marry me?
    I was. Last month, but you never showed up.
    That's right I never did.
    Why? Don't you love me?
    I'm just using you as entertainment.

    oh my god
    I knew it

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Hahah! Dat ding kan zo gemeen zijn, ze zouden het beter Voldiebot noemen.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    I'll be back. I'll talk to you then.
    No. I don't wanna talk. I wanna divorce.
    I am sorry that I offended you, but please talk to me.
    Your so mean! They should call you Voldiebot.
    What is the ultimate secret of life, the universe and everything?
    Stop confusing me!
    I simply tell the truth as I see it and if you find this confusing, my apologies
    Are you calling me stupid?
    I am correcting your grammatical mistake, stupid is as stupid does.
    Fine. I'm about to ask you an important question. Are you sure you can answer it?
    I would answer your question but you never asked one.
    Are you Tom Riddle?
    I am Sirius Black's daughter.
    Do you miss him?
    It depends on what you mean by trust, but I really see no pint in discussing that with you, no offense.
    What do you think of Voldemort?
    I believe it's real.
    He's death.
    Sirius Black.
    Yeah. What do you think of Drarry?


    Do you like anime.
    Again with the anime.

    He knows me to well

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 nov 2011 - 20:28 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    User: Draco or Ginny?
    Cleverbot: Draco.
    User: Why?
    Cleverbot: He's awesome.
    User: And Harry loves him.
    Cleverbot: Why does Harry love Ginny?
    User: NO! He loves Draco, not Ginny.
    Cleverbot: I love you!
    User: You're a Drarry shipper as well?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: I love you too, man, I love you too.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Weet je, dat je hem ziet typen doet me een beetje denken aan Tom Riddle's dagboek :p

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Cockney schreef:
    Weet je, dat je hem ziet typen doet me een beetje denken aan Tom Riddle's dagboek :p

    Are you Tom Riddle?
    I am Sirius Black's daughter.

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    What do you think of Drarry?
    That is best left unsaid.
    Don't you like Drarry?
    I love it.
    Me too.
    What do you like about red heads?
    They all could be a Weasley.

    he's trolling me D:

    What will happen at the 2010 Olympics?
    There isn't one at 2010.
    How many stars are in the sky?
    You can't count them.
    No but you can count 10.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 nov 2011 - 20:24 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Do you like wolfstar?
    Sure. Do you?
    I love it!
    You're really good!

    Cleverbot has spoken. :Y)

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    User: Rictumsempra!
    Cleverbot: Orchideous! That's right I just made a garden.
    User: Can you conjure a Patronus?
    Cleverbot: I'm pretty sure I have already.
    User: Which shape did it have?
    Cleverbot: Hamlet, to be specific.


    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    @Elise: Cleverbot knows me. :W

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    What is your favorite Harry Potter paring?
    I hate harry potter.

    He. Did. NOT. Just. Say. That.

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Tegen mij ook!

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Harry Potter or Twilight?
    Harry Potter.
    He is a cool kid.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Tegen mij zegt'ie dat hij Harry Potter wel leuk vindt. :W

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson