This is the story of Sjiriki Sylisar, the Shadowguardian. A man who has sold his death to grant his daughter mercy.
To lose one's ability to die seems like a gift rather than a price, something you would want. True immortality, something which many have sought. But when choosing for this shady unlife, Sjiriki knew it would be a curse rather than a blessing. Since then he has learned the true depth of his curse, and he still hasn't been able to do what he set out to do. He's losing himself, and he knows he doesn't have much time left.
Time to find and kill his daughter, before he loses the last shreds of his soul.
*Verhaal is volledig in het engels
*Fantasy met onbekende personen. Beetje duister
*ik schrijf ongeveer 1000 woorden per week
*het is mijn enige verhaal, en ik ben van plan het af te maken
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14774 woorden in een heleboel hoofdstukken, en er zitten vampiers in!
quidquid excusatio prandium pro