• For everyone who believes in Drarry:

    The story of all stories
    The Drarrytales
    Once upon a time there were two Bad boys. They kept their Erased Love alive during The Afterwar. Though they were eachother's Perfect Enemy, and they swore to Never fall in love, they still loved
    Being Wacthed.
    Sometimes they fight, like Snakes&Lions, though their love is Surreptitious&Mellifluous. But in this Secret life they live, One moment can change everything.
    When love takes over, there will be pain, heartache and
    Broken Promises.

    'This will remind you,' Draco said, 'That You ain’t gonna tie me down.'
    'I can’t stop now,' the other boy answered. How could he know that When you play with fire you get burned?
    'We all have our scars,' the blonde said sadly. 'I can't love you.'
    'No,' Harry replied with tears in his eyes. 'How could you love me when your heart is stone cold?'
    'I guess the urge to kiss you is just expressing how much I hate you!' Draco replied angrily. 'I never asked for you to love me!'
    'But Loving you is like breathing, so how can I stop?' Harry said softly.
    'Would you kill for the one you love?' Draco asked, ignoring Harry's question.
    'Of course,' Harry said.
    Killers are quiet and so was his voice.
    'Would you Hit me one more time?' Draco asked, trying to change the subject. It was time for them to part ways.
    'How can I?' Harry asked. 'I love you, you know that We’re meant to be

    List of awesome Drarryheads:
    Cockney = Elise
    Crushed = Elise
    DrarryPotter = Evelien
    LouisStyles = Kimberly
    LoveLost = Sharon
    Oppugno = Rosa
    Orchideous = Nicky
    Patronum = Evelien
    Pukkelxding = Annick
    RiverDance = Kristy
    Soarin = Lies
    StoryBelle = Lizz
    Tragically = Karin

    Every Saturday is Drarry-day!

    'DracoCervus is extreem besmettelijk, dus als je niet besmet wilt worden: rechtsboven is het vaccin, gewoon even klikken'.


    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Obliviatum schreef:
    @Elise & Evelien; heeft een van jullie misschien tijd om te schrijven voor drarrytales?

    Sure, ik zal zo meteen even zien, nu moet ik voor iemand een cover maken.

    Larry Stylinson is true love.

    It was Louis’s mission to get Harry to fall for him, he did it so well. At first Harry’s response to Louis’s actions were like, “What is this guy doing to me?” Weeks passed and Harry began to like what Louis was doing even more, sometimes he’d ONLY allow Louis to do those things. He fell deeply in love with him but of course he never thought it could be possible to fall for his best friend. But it really was. It was love at first sight, Harry just didn’t realise it until later. Then he began to make it obvious that he had fallen for Louis. They both gave each other heart eyes and couldn’t control their hands. Their hands were stuck on each other like glue. Louis suddenly realised that he had completed his mission, he still loved Harry but he knew his job was done. He wanted to cause excitement between him and Harry, it wasn’t exciting for Harry though. He began to make Harry jealous, very jealous. Harry wasn’t impressed but Louis always thought that relationships were fun with drama, he forgot to remind himself that he and harry actually werent in a relationship. But then that’s when everything changed, they were in a relationship. They were dating but only secretly, only they knew. The managment of course hated the idea of their teen icons being gay. So of course, what did they do next? They seperated them…they made it seem as no there was no more “harry and louis.” People began to believe them and fall into their pit of lies. Then they moved in together, like every happy couple who’s certain of the future, the future that they wanted to be together forever until their dying days. People automatically suspected something when the news came out that they had bought a flat together. So then the managment couldn’t resist but to give one of them a fake girlfriend, Harry? No. Why? Because he’s the most popular in the group, I mean world war freaking 5000 would break out. They decided on Louis, he acted the most gay in the group sometimes so it made sense. So they had to give Louis his beard, “Eleanor.” The managment took photos of Louis and Eleanor together. How do we know these were set up? Well because you dont just bump into louis and his new girlfriend with an a+ camera. Funny how no one else spotted them together except the guy with the a+ quality camera. Then the managment paid the sun to publish the photos and release and article about lou and eleanor, that wasnt enough. They wanted to hint about louis and harry’s relationship so they added messages, saying harry watches them together and he’s sad about lou having a girlfriend. That seems like such a random thing to point out, why not “liam looks at them, he doesnt care.” You dont just go about typing about peoples friends watching their friend have a girlfriend. Of course not, because Louis is not a friend, he’s a boyfriend. This is all part of the plan, they are hinting towards the official coming out of Louis and Harry. Be prepared.

    @Elise; _O_
    & _O__O__O_

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Obliviatum schreef:
    @Elise; _O_
    & _O__O__O_


    Obliviatum schreef:
    @Elise & Evelien; heeft een van jullie misschien tijd om te schrijven voor drarrytales?

    Sure :3

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Obliviatum schreef:
    @Elise; _O_
    & _O__O__O_

    Pffft :')
    Amateur :3


    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Good Morning My ladies.
    Ik heb precies drie uur geslapen, en gisteren maar twee, en morgen begint mijn toetsweek, wat doe ik mezelf in godsnaam aan. Ik ben op Scoutingkamp, maar het JOTI dus het draait eigenlijk om contact te leggen met Scouts over de hele wereld, maar quizlet leidde me een beetje af.

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain!

    Stigmata schreef:
    Good Morning My ladies.
    Ik heb precies drie uur geslapen, en gisteren maar twee, en morgen begint mijn toetsweek, wat doe ik mezelf in godsnaam aan. Ik ben op Scoutingkamp, maar het JOTI dus het draait eigenlijk om contact te leggen met Scouts over de hele wereld, maar quizlet leidde me een beetje af.

    Q is nu eenmaal afleidend. (wbw)

    Arousal schreef:
    Larry Stylinson is true love.

    It was Louis’s mission to get Harry to fall for him, he did it so well. At first Harry’s response to Louis’s actions were like, “What is this guy doing to me?” Weeks passed and Harry began to like what Louis was doing even more, sometimes he’d ONLY allow Louis to do those things. He fell deeply in love with him but of course he never thought it could be possible to fall for his best friend. But it really was. It was love at first sight, Harry just didn’t realise it until later. Then he began to make it obvious that he had fallen for Louis. They both gave each other heart eyes and couldn’t control their hands. Their hands were stuck on each other like glue. Louis suddenly realised that he had completed his mission, he still loved Harry but he knew his job was done. He wanted to cause excitement between him and Harry, it wasn’t exciting for Harry though. He began to make Harry jealous, very jealous. Harry wasn’t impressed but Louis always thought that relationships were fun with drama, he forgot to remind himself that he and harry actually werent in a relationship. But then that’s when everything changed, they were in a relationship. They were dating but only secretly, only they knew. The managment of course hated the idea of their teen icons being gay. So of course, what did they do next? They seperated them…they made it seem as no there was no more “harry and louis.” People began to believe them and fall into their pit of lies. Then they moved in together, like every happy couple who’s certain of the future, the future that they wanted to be together forever until their dying days. People automatically suspected something when the news came out that they had bought a flat together. So then the managment couldn’t resist but to give one of them a fake girlfriend, Harry? No. Why? Because he’s the most popular in the group, I mean world war freaking 5000 would break out. They decided on Louis, he acted the most gay in the group sometimes so it made sense. So they had to give Louis his beard, “Eleanor.” The managment took photos of Louis and Eleanor together. How do we know these were set up? Well because you dont just bump into louis and his new girlfriend with an a+ camera. Funny how no one else spotted them together except the guy with the a+ quality camera. Then the managment paid the sun to publish the photos and release and article about lou and eleanor, that wasnt enough. They wanted to hint about louis and harry’s relationship so they added messages, saying harry watches them together and he’s sad about lou having a girlfriend. That seems like such a random thing to point out, why not “liam looks at them, he doesnt care.” You dont just go about typing about peoples friends watching their friend have a girlfriend. Of course not, because Louis is not a friend, he’s a boyfriend. This is all part of the plan, they are hinting towards the official coming out of Louis and Harry. Be prepared.

    (wbw) So true! (wbw)

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    Stigmata schreef:
    Good Morning My ladies.
    Ik heb precies drie uur geslapen, en gisteren maar twee, en morgen begint mijn toetsweek, wat doe ik mezelf in godsnaam aan. Ik ben op Scoutingkamp, maar het JOTI dus het draait eigenlijk om contact te leggen met Scouts over de hele wereld, maar quizlet leidde me een beetje af.

    Good Morning <3

    Veel succes alvast met je toetsweek. Denk maar zo: De vakantie is er bijna, dat weekje overleef ik nog wel (bloos)

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    Pfft, Elise antwoordt niet eens op mijn aanbidding :')

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Patronum schreef:
    Pfft, Elise antwoordt niet eens op mijn aanbidding :')

    Evelien, I love you like Harry loves Louis.

    Don't leave me with nowhere to go.


    Don't leave me with nowhere to go.

    Ik doe da altijd- reageren op dit topic als ik op een andere account zit.

    Don't leave me with nowhere to go.

    Oke dan :')

    En das lief :3

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.